What wet weather gear does everyone use/reccommend
Well I would have to say that it really depends on how many K's you're doing in the rain, if you're talking about a short trip well there's quite a bit on the Market that will get you to where you're going and home again and at a good price.

Now if you're talking big K's well you only get what you pay for, I have done the West to Qld and copped rain all the way it was that bad that the roads across the Nullabor were even flooded in sections my mate reckons that's one trip we don't want to remember with both of us nearly coming to grief on more than one accassion.
Anyway back on track I had Cordura 2 Piece Gear and it worked extremely well even my gloves and boots held up remarkable well. I had a set of Water Proof Boots and some really good winter gloves back them but can't remember the brand as I don't have the gear anymore but all I can say is that I was dry at the end of each day.
My Mate was wearing AlpineStar WP Boots and Gloves as he still has them and had the same 2 Piece Suit that I had and he was pretty much dry at the end of the day as well the only issue he had was his helmet kept leaking through the seal on the visor.

I currently have a pair of Cordura Pants and a Glover Jacket and both of these items work exremely well in the wet but I don't have any water proof gloves or boots anymore but I don't ride in the rain that much so what I have works well.

I must be going Soft in my Old Age Lol3

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RE: What wet weather gear does everyone use/reccommend - by Rev004 - 20-05-2011, 09:38pm

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