19-04-2010, 07:37pm
(19-04-2010, 04:10pm)Folbzbusa Wrote: Hi to all members !!Welcome mate, glad you've seen the light .Keep an eye on the forum for SA rides ,we have a few & Hopefully a Trip to Tathra NSW around November .
Im Folbz, 29 years from S.A. I have decided to purchase a 09/10 busa in the next few months. I have been into Harleys for the last ten years, and have finally seen the light !! I would like to hear from anyone with a Busa of the same year, i've only ridden one once.
Am i making the right choice ??
What mods would you recommend ??
Are they comfortable for long trips ??
Stupid questions i know, but im new to sports bikes.
Cheers guys, great site by the way
If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here