admin board question
all great ideas to work out active members

i have an idea and for it to work we as a board would have to remain transparent to stop suggestive profiting as had happen in the past

I have been only a board member for close on 2 yrs now was also known as surfabusa until i had a few months away from here, i forgot all my login details so i just rejoined as mia06...anyway here is the basis of the idea

I notice the board has had problems trying to get good numbers to group rides/ extended weekends etc

I personally have not been on one purely because of costs, being self employed, the time i factor in the loss of trade plus usually at least a couple of days either side for commuting and then the added costs of accommodation and meals fuel etc for 2 of us it gets to be a rather expensive trip

Problem solving

lets say we had 400 active members (hopefully)

would the admin consider this

Ask each member to purchase a 100 dollar yearly membership/ ticket

which then would place every ticket holder in the draw for a new hayabusa

we probably could approach one of the dealers for a good discount

lets say we picked the bike up for 17,000

that would leave the club with 23000 in profit for the year

we could nominate a club secretary/bursar which would act after board approval to administer club money for club approved rides and get togethers

this could cover the accommodation, meals and fuel costs on club outings

I feel this would encourage a lot more participation

not to mention i am sure all of us would like the chance to win the bike we admire so much

obviously admin would have to get raffle license but i dont think it would be to hard to arrange

in summary many years ago we stated a fishing club in my local town doing similar sorts of things within 12 months the club was paying for easter and christmas holiday caravan tent sites for club families , the club paid for for all kids activities during the day whilst the men were out fishing, the fish caught would all be cooked up along with all the other bulk club purchased food and each night there would be a huge bbq
(some of my best teenage memories,caravan park cricket games,my first romance,etc )

within a couple of years the club had purchased a couple of boats and just kept on growing

sadly my dad was president and told the other members not to go out to sea as the bar crossing and ocean was to rough (my father had been out in his own boat in the early hours of the morning and came back to tell the others to have a family/lay day.

2 boats decided to go anyway one having a new member on board who had 2 kids and never been fishing in the ocean before, well the first boat barely made the crossing and the second boat didnt with two drowned including the newest club member

My dad being hot headed told the club to get f****d packed up and went home, he stopped in and seen the guys kids and wife who were at home waiting for there dad to come home

my dad never went back to the club since i think it still exists but nowhere the size or strengh it was in its glory days

i thought this concept except for the disaster story maybe good for the club

should i make this a poll to get a better idea

Messages In This Thread
admin board question - by mia06 - 20-03-2010, 06:07pm
RE: admin board question - by big kev - 20-03-2010, 07:34pm
RE: admin board question - by Heidi1 - 20-03-2010, 10:28pm
RE: admin board question - by BikerBoy - 20-03-2010, 11:15pm
RE: admin board question - by Greeny_SA - 21-03-2010, 01:37am
RE: admin board question - by mia06 - 21-03-2010, 06:40am
RE: admin board question - by big kev - 21-03-2010, 09:06am
RE: admin board question - by BikerBoy - 21-03-2010, 11:34am
RE: admin board question - by big kev - 21-03-2010, 12:36pm
RE: admin board question - by BUSGO - 21-03-2010, 07:34pm
RE: admin board question - by Volvi - 21-03-2010, 07:40pm
RE: admin board question - by Legend - 21-03-2010, 08:20pm
RE: admin board question - by Volvi - 21-03-2010, 10:10pm
RE: admin board question - by ROD - 22-03-2010, 09:24am
RE: admin board question - by kawasuki - 22-03-2010, 05:01pm
RE: admin board question - by Heidi1 - 22-03-2010, 07:02pm
RE: admin board question - by Busanova - 23-03-2010, 07:48pm
RE: admin board question - by BLACKZOOK - 22-03-2010, 07:52pm
RE: admin board question - by Heidi1 - 22-03-2010, 08:31pm
RE: admin board question - by mia06 - 22-03-2010, 08:48pm
RE: admin board question - by Heidi1 - 22-03-2010, 08:51pm
RE: admin board question - by BUSGO - 22-03-2010, 09:54pm
RE: admin board question - by mia06 - 23-03-2010, 03:40pm

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