polished and polished
Ive got time for polish, but never got into it. I did the rim edges the hard way on my TLR and they came up a treat. Nickel plating looks the goods, but I really dont want to strip the bike completely ?? Any body got any famous trickery, or is it all hard work and bad news ??
By the way.............can you clear coat over fresh polished alloy, like if I polish up the wheels, will clear coating straight over work to save having to repolish after every time its washed ?

Messages In This Thread
polished and polished - by copper71 - 30-01-2010, 06:53pm
RE: polished and polished - by Greeny_SA - 30-01-2010, 08:15pm
RE: polished and polished - by madbusa - 30-01-2010, 08:50pm
RE: polished and polished - by [UNIT] - 30-01-2010, 09:06pm
RE: polished and polished - by Bill Gaheer - 30-01-2010, 09:41pm
RE: polished and polished - by Natcam - 30-01-2010, 09:53pm
RE: polished and polished - by simmo - 31-01-2010, 10:22am
RE: polished and polished - by copper71 - 01-02-2010, 04:28pm
RE: polished and polished - by [UNIT] - 31-01-2010, 10:30am
RE: polished and polished - by CarbonBusa - 01-02-2010, 08:56am

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