15-05-2009, 06:58pm
Volvi Wrote:ok the way I see it is how we go about with the notification of an admins actions so its transparent to everyone, so lets work together and find a solution that is satisfactory for everyone. DJ mentioned a possibility of a plug-in. Bruce mentioned a log. So lets find the best method for all. Lets be constructive here not destructive.
why fix something that is not broken?
the way things are are good..only a few get upset..why do the few rule the majority.
i was on the phone tonight with another member(female .dont start the rumours i,m now gay as well as having an affair).

seems there has been a number of members now not willing to participate in the forum due to non mods shooting them down..so they say "ok stuff this for a joke"
maybe whirlpool and other forums that take no prisoners view have a point
.i personally would hate too see that sort of responsibility put on our mods.it would not be fair and spoilt the carefree side of the forum.
thats why i say dont fix something that isnt broke