15-05-2009, 07:43am
1300hayabusa Wrote:I'm not happy at the fact that one moderator took it upon him/her to send a message to bigfoot telling him to stay out of a situation that I have with another member cause I have a history with this bloke,WTF is with that???I never spoke,met or had any contact with this mod but it seems that this ass wipe is able to give advice and has info about what was going on.Please keep in mind that some of what was said between me and this other party was supposed to be personal sent through the PM section.Does that constitute as a breach by this shit for brains mod????Do mods have the right to do that????Can/will that mod be removed if this/was a breach????.
On a personal note it looks like busgo is the centre of attraction,taking all the heat and funnily enough from a group of people who seem to be from NSW with their own agenda???????Its as obvious as the nose on your face said gepetto to pinocchio!!!!!!!
BUSGO I don't like some of the things that you do and some times you need to tell your friends like cheeky to shut the fcuk up because she does you no favours by backing you up in certain discussions with bullshit posts.By the way I'M not the only one who thinks that and if any of the other members here can find their testicle's they will tell you the same.All in all you do a good job and I don't have a problem with you but I believe that people should be able to say what they want and if others complain to the mods about what the member posts than YES they can delete,but make sure you send the poster a half arse explanation why it was removed.
I agree with the second part of your post and am not afraid to say it. I'm happy to back you on this point.