Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip
You know they do make differnt tires for different purposes - maybe you should pick one that suits your purpose you can only get so many bias opionions (including my own) before you have to get off your arse and try something or make an informed decision (Lord knows there is enough info out there now). Until recently my experiance with Bridges were foul, but when I couldnt get hold of another PP2CT I put on a BT016 rear and have been plesantly surpirsed but I have bought another new set of PP2CT anyway cos they suit my style better. Small shops will try and sell you what they supply or get supplied with discounts where they make better margins - larger shops will give you a more un-bias opinion but not really as half the sales people havnt actually ridden on the other brands so you are still going on thier personal experiances as well. As Steven said; if you want ultimate grip choose a soft tire from any rep man (Pirelli, Mich, Bridge, Dunny (yuk!) ) you want life you have to sacrifice some grip, PP2CT for me have a good comprimise FOR ME
Egos; everyone got one

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by Billy the kid - 10-09-2008, 06:58pm
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by Billy the kid - 10-09-2008, 07:13pm
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by BLACKZOOK - 10-09-2008, 10:02pm
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by spamanglenn - 29-09-2008, 09:27pm
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by Heidi1 - 30-09-2008, 01:52pm
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by jessie928 - 30-10-2008, 06:58am
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by nutz - 13-01-2009, 08:46pm
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by spamanglenn - 13-01-2009, 10:52pm
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by nutz - 19-01-2009, 06:42pm
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by busakid08 - 20-01-2009, 06:41am
RE: Bridgestone V Michelin V Shinko AUST trip - by nutz - 20-01-2009, 07:15pm

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