Fascists everywhere
Lol3 just read about the poor guy who got pinged by the hwp Cop .
First lets say you got BALLS man ,secondly it will cost you bigtime and more shit than you can handle to get even with this prick , but having said that good Luck with the effort you have my Vote .
Being as this State of NSW has been run by a bunch of Dickheads for so long and is technically Bankrupt you will see more and more revenue raising to offest their inept management of the NSW coffers . In times like this they rely ONLY on screwing the people so expect more and more privacy and freedom to go by the wayside.
I went for a drive this morning to Stanwell park and was Breath tested twice (2) times , had three Highway Patrol Coppers illegally hidden in the bushes try to get me on Radar , and only thanks to a couple of kind car drivers was I allerted to their presence .
If you flash your light to warn people now you can and will get a fine . what we need is a universal signal apart from Flashing the light to warn other bike riders that a Speed trap is ahead .Any suggestions ?Icon_rolleyes It is getting increasingly harder nowadays to actually enjoy going out and riding without constantly looking around for Cop , Pigs , the filth , whatever you call them , take stock from this though most of these guys and girls get burned out after a couple of years of copping shit and eventually commit sucide Lol3 or become security guards that never stop telling you they were Coppers once . Seems like it's getting to be 1934 all over again here in Oz next thig you can expect a call in the middle of the night not for being Jewish but for owning a bike . Knuppel2

Messages In This Thread
Fascists everywhere - by Dr.Strangelove - 26-10-2008, 10:52am
RE: Fascists everywhere - by Camel - 26-10-2008, 11:50am
RE: Fascists everywhere - by 1hotbusa - 26-10-2008, 03:32pm
RE: Fascists everywhere - by Volvi - 26-10-2008, 07:25pm
RE: Fascists everywhere - by Camel - 26-10-2008, 07:40pm
RE: Fascists everywhere - by debandee - 27-10-2008, 06:42am
RE: Fascists everywhere - by Ozboc - 01-11-2008, 06:51am

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