Fascists everywhere - Printable Version

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Fascists everywhere - Dr.Strangelove - 26-10-2008

Lol3 just read about the poor guy who got pinged by the hwp Cop .
First lets say you got BALLS man ,secondly it will cost you bigtime and more shit than you can handle to get even with this prick , but having said that good Luck with the effort you have my Vote .
Being as this State of NSW has been run by a bunch of Dickheads for so long and is technically Bankrupt you will see more and more revenue raising to offest their inept management of the NSW coffers . In times like this they rely ONLY on screwing the people so expect more and more privacy and freedom to go by the wayside.
I went for a drive this morning to Stanwell park and was Breath tested twice (2) times , had three Highway Patrol Coppers illegally hidden in the bushes try to get me on Radar , and only thanks to a couple of kind car drivers was I allerted to their presence .
If you flash your light to warn people now you can and will get a fine . what we need is a universal signal apart from Flashing the light to warn other bike riders that a Speed trap is ahead .Any suggestions ?Icon_rolleyes It is getting increasingly harder nowadays to actually enjoy going out and riding without constantly looking around for Cop , Pigs , the filth , whatever you call them , take stock from this though most of these guys and girls get burned out after a couple of years of copping shit and eventually commit sucide Lol3 or become security guards that never stop telling you they were Coppers once . Seems like it's getting to be 1934 all over again here in Oz next thig you can expect a call in the middle of the night not for being Jewish but for owning a bike . Knuppel2

RE: Fascists everywhere - Camel - 26-10-2008

The Blue Gang is starting to make the 'outlaw' gangs look tame by comparison!

RE: Fascists everywhere - 1hotbusa - 26-10-2008

Hi there,

But at the end of the day it is us that lets this happen. We allow our rights to be eroded because we do nothing. The big issue here is uniting the people. If everybody refused to rego their vehicles, then elected to go to court, the system would be screwed. If people refused to pay tolls, fines etc the system would be screwed. There is no prison that can hold 20 million and if there was the rest of the country would be gone. Until we figure out how to present a united front the government and it's mechanisms will always win, as even though they are inept and incompetent, they are more organised than us.

RE: Fascists everywhere - Volvi - 26-10-2008

used to be hand on helemet top signalling sirens about, tho have not seen this in ages.

RE: Fascists everywhere - Camel - 26-10-2008

Thumbs down works fine too - not as dangerous as spinning your finger above your head (and less open to interpretation.

Just on this fascist thread. I work all over the world and apart from that special breed in the USA, have yet to meet police that are so rabidly out of touch with the general community as those back home in Australia. Sure, most of them are genuine, sincere and fair, but they're the first to leave. Those whose sociopathic personality disorders make them otherwise unemployable stay behind to keep on policing!

A fish rots from the head, it's the upper echelons of the police hierarchy that continue to allow this behaviour to happen. How else would two cops, caught on a red light camera, hooning in an unmarked police car and wearing KKK hoods get off with minor disciplinary charges?

Imagine what we'd be subjected to if you or I were caught wearing such a hood at any time!

RE: Fascists everywhere - debandee - 27-10-2008

When I was in Zimbabwe (back when they had fuel) both drivers and riders would, as they approach each other, give an flipping hand gesture... pretty much the same one you use when asking "WTF?..." Hand going from palm down and rolling over to palm up.
If both did it, it was taken to mean there was nothing lurking in the shadows. If there was a trap, a variety of signals was used instead of the first signal; palm down, raising and lowering, to flashing lights (which was also illegal then).
The questioning signal is so bloody obvious that you'd pick it up straight away.

The pigs have radios to communicate with each other to gang up on motorists; in the interests of maintaining the Aussie sense of team play, we should be allowed to help each other out in some way.

RE: Fascists everywhere - Ozboc - 01-11-2008

most bike riders i have past that indicate a problem ahead -- ie road works , bike down , cops........ use the hand pushing down jesture - ie slow down .... ( as if your pushing your redheaded step son under the water in your backyard pool or x wife ) :)

as this is just an indication to slow down - your should not get in trouble from chief wigham as you could be indicating a road hazzard ahead such as mentioned above ......
