Maj Wrote:What injectors will you run ? if you only need a 1:1 rise the Sard type seems fairly consistant, I'm using a Malpassi on one bike at the moment and it varys its pressure a bit due to temp rise
Thanks Maj
I was going to stay standard for the time being(good for around 270hp?) or look at S2000 injectors. Either way what I am picking up from research is that to compensate for varying boost at a constant throttle position, a rising rate was the way to go unless I ran a piggy back that has a boost fuel map based on boost. Secondaries arent really in the equation yet.
Thinking about it though, I am only going to be using it for drag racing so I should really only be worried about fuelling at 100% throttle (given that I am still on the bike

Im happy to be corrected on any of this.
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