13-02-2008, 10:41am
kawasuki Wrote:To fork out a few $$$ And i see they are insisting on schools, that the kids are to recognise all this blah blah. Well i dont see why i have to be sorry ...
Hey Ray.
I agree with the "Sorry" for the stolen generation bloke. That was in our very recent history. Mind you, it was done with all of the very best intentions at the time.
I will NOT say sorry for shit that happened to the indigenous peoples in my great grand fathers time. The settlers used to go shooting black fellas for sport, like we go spotlighting now. It wasn't right but, it happened a very long time ago and all the people affected are long time dust in the grounds now. No one to pay compensation to left.
I did get the shits seeing the black mob howling about stopping the AFPs intervention in northern Aussie. They're worried about their f*&^ing pensions while the cops are up there protecting the black kids from paedophiles and similar abuse. And stopping them drinking themselves to death and sniffing petrol and and and.
I'd better get off the soapbox, I'll wear it out at this rate !
Over to you brother!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!