SORRY eyeryone ready - Printable Version

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SORRY eyeryone ready - kawasuki - 13-02-2008

To fork out a few $$$ And i see they are insisting on schools, that the kids are to recognise all this blah blah. Well i dont see why i have to be sorry ...

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - Madmax - 13-02-2008

kawasuki Wrote:To fork out a few $$$ And i see they are insisting on schools, that the kids are to recognise all this blah blah. Well i dont see why i have to be sorry ...

Hey Ray.
I agree with the "Sorry" for the stolen generation bloke. That was in our very recent history. Mind you, it was done with all of the very best intentions at the time.

I will NOT say sorry for shit that happened to the indigenous peoples in my great grand fathers time. The settlers used to go shooting black fellas for sport, like we go spotlighting now. It wasn't right but, it happened a very long time ago and all the people affected are long time dust in the grounds now. No one to pay compensation to left.

I did get the shits seeing the black mob howling about stopping the AFPs intervention in northern Aussie. They're worried about their f*&^ing pensions while the cops are up there protecting the black kids from paedophiles and similar abuse. And stopping them drinking themselves to death and sniffing petrol and and and.

I'd better get off the soapbox, I'll wear it out at this rate !Lol3

Over to you brother!


RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - Heidi1 - 13-02-2008

I was there today at Parliament with thousands of other people. I say sorry for past wrongs and in the spirit of moving forward without ignorance.

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - BLACKZOOK - 13-02-2008

f*** em.

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - Gnarbunkle99 - 13-02-2008

Now to square things up, I wait for an apology from those that have been civillised.

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - kawasuki - 13-02-2008

Gnarbunkle99 Wrote:Now to square things up, I wait for an apology from those that have been civillised.



We apologise for giving you doctors and free medical care, which allows you to survive and multiply so that you can demand apologies.

We apologise for helping you to read and teaching you the English language and thus we opened up to you the entire European civilisation, thought and enterprise.

We feel that we must apologise for building hundreds of homes for you, which you have vandalised and destroyed.

We apologise for giving you law and order which has helped prevent you from slaughtering one another and using the unfortunate for food purposes.

We apologise for developing large farms and properties, which today feed you people, where before, you had the benefits of living off the land and starving during droughts.

We apologise for providing you with warm clothing made of fabric to replace that animal skins you used before.

We apologise for building roads and railway tracks between cities and building cars so that you no longer have to walk over harsh terrain.

We apologise for paying off your vehicle when you fail to pay the installments
We apologise for giving you free travel anywhere, whenever.

We apologise for giving each and every member of your family $100.00 and free travel to attend an aboriginal funeral.

We apologise for not charging you rent on any lands when white people have to pay.

We apologise for giving you interest free loans.

We apologise for developing oil wells and minerals, including gold and diamonds which you never used and had no idea of their value.

We apologise for developing Ayers rock and Kakadu, and handing them over to you so that you get all the money.

We apologise for allowing taxpayers money paid towards daughters' wedding ($8,000.00 each daughter)

We apologise for giving you $1.7 billion per year for your 250,000 people, which is $48,000.00 per aboriginal man, woman and child.

We apologise for working hard to pay taxes that finance your welfare, medical care, education, etc to the tune of $1.2 billion each year.

We apologise for you having to approach the aboriginal affairs department to verify the above figures. For the trouble you will have identifying the "uncle toms" in your own community who are getting richer and leaving some of you living in squalor and poverty.

We do apologise. We really do.

We humbly beg your forgiveness for all the above sins.

We are only too happy to take back all the above and return you to the paradise of the "outback", whenever you are ready.

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - Mutha - 13-02-2008

That was brilliant Ray Clap

Wtf I'm still sorry

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - kawasuki - 13-02-2008

And u will be,, TRUST ME,, that goes for everyone who thinks they have something to be sorry for. Cant anyonre see those big fat farking leeches waiting for there big fat chq for being the lazyiest carnts in the world. I suppose we can then call it blood money.

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - Busa Greavett - 13-02-2008

kawasuki Wrote:And u will be,, TRUST ME,, that goes for everyone who thinks they have something to be sorry for. Cant anyonre see those big fat farking leeches wiating for there big fat chq for being the lazyiest carnts in the world. I suppose we can then call it blood money.

Go Ray Go!!

I've got Aboriginal mates, and to be real honest, these mates work hard.
Worked for two years in Mount Isa, and saw first hand what the non-working get up to, and how they carry on. Wasn't good!!

If any one feels remotely sorry, let me suggest a few years in Mount Isa. It will rid you of all of your silly thoughts about being sorry!
The non-working ones, hate us white people so much, it's not funny.
And all I did, was be white!!!!

If they hate what we have done so much, why don't they take off all the clothes that we make, stop drinking all the alcohol that we produce, stop sniffing the petroleum spirit we refine, and live exactly how they want to live....in the bush!!!
After all, they want us to believe they don't need us, or we have contributed very little to their existence!!

I would'nt miss em all that much!!

Quick story for you,

In Mount Isa, Saturday morning, shopping with wife.
Had chilli pizza the night before, guts are starting to move, decide it would be a good idea to use the public toilet, just down the road from Sportspower.

Told the Mrs, and off I went. Got to about 4 metres from the door, and see some stuff on the floor, looked like melted chocolate, with the sun and all, that was my first reaction.......!!
Approached the entrance to the toilet, and there was more......it lead straight to the single door, behind which was the pan.

Door was locked, and there were a lot of moaning noises coming from within. My face became shrivelled and I thought, oh no, it can't be!!!

I left, with mega pain in my guts, ran back to the shop, and told Mrs got to go to Macca's for crap before it's too late. My ring piece by now is starting to pulsate....bit like a sub woofer on full noise!!

Both started walking to the car, and I caught sight of a frail looking aboriginal man exiting from the toilet that i had previously tried to download in.

I told my Mrs what I had seen, and suggested that this was the man, that looked like he was in the toilet.

To which she replied "how can you tell"
I said "take a look on his trousers"

And sure enough, this bloke was so out of his face on what ever he was using, he had crapped himself on the way to the toilet, and just carried on down the road to the river bed, where the rest of his kin were waiting. Oblivious to the fact that he had actually deposited most of his intestine on his lower leg!!!

Leaving of course, all the piles of shit on the floor for normal folk to see, and worse of all, to clean up!!

Most of them, are not of this world. I used to feel sorry for them!

But, every body is capable of making a choice!!

Even the underpriveledged.

The kids hand around their parents, watching them sniff, and drink and dabble in all sorts of stuff. It only stand to reason, that this will impact the kids lives, and be a big catch 22.

I don't know how to fix all the problems, but they have to want to fix it for themselves. And until they do, our attempts at making them civilised are waisted!!!

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - NEMESIS - 14-02-2008

It was written before the speach,makes for a interesting read,well said in my opinion...

In light of tommorows 'history-making' apology to the 'Stolen Generation', here are a few choice opinions that sum up my feelings on the subject pretty well.

Anybody who agrees, repost it and tell everyone how you feel about it. If you disagree, feel free to quietly disapprove, or grow some balls and tell me why I, and all these people, are wrong.

'To apologise for saving people from an evil that is clearly an epidemic in Aboriginal communities to this day is itself a form of abuse, immediate and retrospective, because it deines the wrong done to them at the hands of their own people.
If good people hadn't rescued many children who are now called 'stolen' we would be being criticised for doing nothing to help them, and would have to apologise for that, too.
An apology to the Aboriginal people who were genuinely wronged would not be so problematic were it based on truth.
It should include an aplogy from Aboriginal elders to all Aboriginal children who were, or are still being, abused; an apology to those good people who ministered to the victims of abuse but whose names and good deeds have now been besmirched, as well as a "thank you" from those who were rescued.'
- David P, Warwick.

'The 'sorry' vs 'not sorry' debate rages strongly here (and the 'not sorries' are winning by light years of course) but the real debate should be the myth of the Stolen Generation. Journalist Andrew Bolt quite respectfully asked for proof of any stolen person who didn't benefit from their 'stealing' and was met by deathly silence.
It's bad enough to be expected to apologise for something you didn't do, but to apologise for something that never happened at all is beyond ridiculous.'
- Dave J, Brisbane.

'This is an apology we don't need - it's a political stunt and may lead to compensation of billions.'
- Julie.

'On May 13, 1939, a little boy was born to a 15-year-old schoolgirl in Sydney. She never had the chance to cuddle her newborn son. As was the practice at the time, he was immediately whisked away, taken to a church-run foster home and a few months later adopted by an Anglo-Celtic family in Newcastle. The young mother would have been ostracised as a fallen woman if she had insisted on keeping her baby. The motive for removing the child was well-intentioned. In fact, this boy eventually became a successful military oficer, public servant and economics consultant, author and had an outstanding academic career.
In the meantime, his birth mother (now 83), has suffered a lifetime of regret that she could never raise her child.
Now Kevin Rudd is going to apologise on behalf of the nation to both the mother for her stolen baby and to the boy for the family he has never met. And about time, too. But perhaps I misunderstand.
I am that boy - but I'm not black.
Only Aboriginal children were stolen; thousands of adopted white children, forcibly taken from their mothers, were not 'stolen'. While I can sympathise with the Stolen Generation, I will apologise to 'stolen' Aboriginal children at the same time I receive my apology from the government and society.'
- Brian A, Cashmere.

So far, I haven't bothered to attempt to get my thoughts published, so here it is for those who are interested -

Obviously, indigenous people are still having problems with abuse, alcoholism and drug abuse, neglect, education and health care that has existed since white people arrived in this country. By the way, the white people had no choice but to come here either - if you're going to blame anyboy, blame the people who were running England at the time. Blame the Queen now, or the King who was in charge back in the day.
The fact of the matter is, we're being labelled racist because we 'stole' children from neglectful, abusive homes in an attempt to give them a better life by sending them to school, clothing and feeding them at the government's expense, and helping them to achieve something in their lives. We are still doing this today. However, if the government had sat back and said, 'Nuh-uh, we can't take kids away from their mothers or there'll be hell to pay,' and not even tried to help, we'd be labelled racist for not intervening and giving the blacks a hand. We'd not only be called racist, but we'd have class actions launched against the government to pay them money, which they're demanding anyway now that Rudd has promised to acknowledge the 'wrongs' that were committed against them.
Basically, the only way I could bring myself to support this apology is to have a promise from the government that, once all is said and done, indigenous Australians will be made to stand on their own two feet and work it out themselves. No more ABSTUDY (they can apply for Austudy like the rest of us), no more extra allowances, no more jumping waiting lists for public housing over caucasians who are just as needy, no more home or car loans at lower interest rates (or, for that matter, the rule that once a loan is taken out, all you have to make is two payments and then the government will pay the rest if you don't want to or can't), no more getting Centrelink without any obligation to do WFTD or looking for work as caucasians have to do, no more adjusting school marks for those that identify as ATSI so they have an unfair advantage over white students who may struggle just as much to learn, no more subsidised school trips, fees, uniforms or textbooks, no more employer incentives to employ indigenous people over white applicants, no more handouts that caucasians aren't eligible for (and there are plenty), and no compensation.
As some have pointed out, the question has been asked - 'Was there anybody out there who truly was disadvantaged by their being taken from their mother and given an education?' And as pointed out, nobody has put their hand up. So as I've maintained for as long as I have understood the term 'Stolen Generation', no harm was done to anybody - they were given a chance and if they didn't use it and become better people, that's not my problem and definitely something I shouldn't be asked to apologise or pay for.

Like I said, until Rudd gives me as a taxpayer his word that indigenous Australians will be given EXACTLY the same rights as every other Australian, no more and no less, and denies them any compensation for something they've already been compensated for a million times over, and every day of their lives, I will not be supporting this apology in any way, shape or form.

(And I don't give a shit that they 'weren't recognised as citizens' or 'given the right to vote' until the late 1960's. They have those rights now, what the f*** more do they want? WHEN WILL THEIR GREED AND BLAMING WHITE AUSTRALIA STOP, and when will their taking responsibility for their own actions creating their sorry state of affairs start?)'

Oh, and just for the record - if anybody out there is one of 'those' who are indigenious but 'don't recieve any handouts' (because they don't 'identify as ATSI'), don't you dare open your mouth to me. If you didn't tick the boxes on your school exams, if you didn't make sure to identify as ATSI wherever possible, then you obviously have no right to be called an ATSI, and chances are you're ashamed of your culture, history and people. Therefore, you're just as good as the rest of us, so you keep your mouth closed.

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - Busa Greavett - 14-02-2008

Very Nice Piece!!

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - kawasuki - 14-02-2008

NEMESIS Wrote:It was written before the speach,makes for a interesting read,well said in my opinion...

In light of tommorows 'history-making' apology to the 'Stolen Generation', here are a few choice opinions that sum up my feelings on the subject pretty well.

Anybody who agrees, repost it and tell everyone how you feel about it. If you disagree, feel free to quietly disapprove, or grow some balls and tell me why I, and all these people, are wrong.

'To apologise for saving people from an evil that is clearly an epidemic in Aboriginal communities to this day is itself a form of abuse, immediate and retrospective, because it deines the wrong done to them at the hands of their own people.
If good people hadn't rescued many children who are now called 'stolen' we would be being criticised for doing nothing to help them, and would have to apologise for that, too.
An apology to the Aboriginal people who were genuinely wronged would not be so problematic were it based on truth.
It should include an aplogy from Aboriginal elders to all Aboriginal children who were, or are still being, abused; an apology to those good people who ministered to the victims of abuse but whose names and good deeds have now been besmirched, as well as a "thank you" from those who were rescued.'
- David P, Warwick.

'The 'sorry' vs 'not sorry' debate rages strongly here (and the 'not sorries' are winning by light years of course) but the real debate should be the myth of the Stolen Generation. Journalist Andrew Bolt quite respectfully asked for proof of any stolen person who didn't benefit from their 'stealing' and was met by deathly silence.
It's bad enough to be expected to apologise for something you didn't do, but to apologise for something that never happened at all is beyond ridiculous.'
- Dave J, Brisbane.

'This is an apology we don't need - it's a political stunt and may lead to compensation of billions.'
- Julie.

'On May 13, 1939, a little boy was born to a 15-year-old schoolgirl in Sydney. She never had the chance to cuddle her newborn son. As was the practice at the time, he was immediately whisked away, taken to a church-run foster home and a few months later adopted by an Anglo-Celtic family in Newcastle. The young mother would have been ostracised as a fallen woman if she had insisted on keeping her baby. The motive for removing the child was well-intentioned. In fact, this boy eventually became a successful military oficer, public servant and economics consultant, author and had an outstanding academic career.
In the meantime, his birth mother (now 83), has suffered a lifetime of regret that she could never raise her child.
Now Kevin Rudd is going to apologise on behalf of the nation to both the mother for her stolen baby and to the boy for the family he has never met. And about time, too. But perhaps I misunderstand.
I am that boy - but I'm not black.
Only Aboriginal children were stolen; thousands of adopted white children, forcibly taken from their mothers, were not 'stolen'. While I can sympathise with the Stolen Generation, I will apologise to 'stolen' Aboriginal children at the same time I receive my apology from the government and society.'
- Brian A, Cashmere.

So far, I haven't bothered to attempt to get my thoughts published, so here it is for those who are interested -

Obviously, indigenous people are still having problems with abuse, alcoholism and drug abuse, neglect, education and health care that has existed since white people arrived in this country. By the way, the white people had no choice but to come here either - if you're going to blame anyboy, blame the people who were running England at the time. Blame the Queen now, or the King who was in charge back in the day.
The fact of the matter is, we're being labelled racist because we 'stole' children from neglectful, abusive homes in an attempt to give them a better life by sending them to school, clothing and feeding them at the government's expense, and helping them to achieve something in their lives. We are still doing this today. However, if the government had sat back and said, 'Nuh-uh, we can't take kids away from their mothers or there'll be hell to pay,' and not even tried to help, we'd be labelled racist for not intervening and giving the blacks a hand. We'd not only be called racist, but we'd have class actions launched against the government to pay them money, which they're demanding anyway now that Rudd has promised to acknowledge the 'wrongs' that were committed against them.
Basically, the only way I could bring myself to support this apology is to have a promise from the government that, once all is said and done, indigenous Australians will be made to stand on their own two feet and work it out themselves. No more ABSTUDY (they can apply for Austudy like the rest of us), no more extra allowances, no more jumping waiting lists for public housing over caucasians who are just as needy, no more home or car loans at lower interest rates (or, for that matter, the rule that once a loan is taken out, all you have to make is two payments and then the government will pay the rest if you don't want to or can't), no more getting Centrelink without any obligation to do WFTD or looking for work as caucasians have to do, no more adjusting school marks for those that identify as ATSI so they have an unfair advantage over white students who may struggle just as much to learn, no more subsidised school trips, fees, uniforms or textbooks, no more employer incentives to employ indigenous people over white applicants, no more handouts that caucasians aren't eligible for (and there are plenty), and no compensation.
As some have pointed out, the question has been asked - 'Was there anybody out there who truly was disadvantaged by their being taken from their mother and given an education?' And as pointed out, nobody has put their hand up. So as I've maintained for as long as I have understood the term 'Stolen Generation', no harm was done to anybody - they were given a chance and if they didn't use it and become better people, that's not my problem and definitely something I shouldn't be asked to apologise or pay for.

Like I said, until Rudd gives me as a taxpayer his word that indigenous Australians will be given EXACTLY the same rights as every other Australian, no more and no less, and denies them any compensation for something they've already been compensated for a million times over, and every day of their lives, I will not be supporting this apology in any way, shape or form.

(And I don't give a shit that they 'weren't recognised as citizens' or 'given the right to vote' until the late 1960's. They have those rights now, what the f*** more do they want? WHEN WILL THEIR GREED AND BLAMING WHITE AUSTRALIA STOP, and when will their taking responsibility for their own actions creating their sorry state of affairs start?)'

Oh, and just for the record - if anybody out there is one of 'those' who are indigenious but 'don't recieve any handouts' (because they don't 'identify as ATSI'), don't you dare open your mouth to me. If you didn't tick the boxes on your school exams, if you didn't make sure to identify as ATSI wherever possible, then you obviously have no right to be called an ATSI, and chances are you're ashamed of your culture, history and people. Therefore, you're just as good as the rest of us, so you keep your mouth closed.

Clap Clap Clap Pi_thumbsup

Uno there are a lot of watermelons out there and left wing new age do gooders. One day they will actually say what they mean.

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - Heidi1 - 14-02-2008

You continue to astound me with your ignorance.

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - RaZ - 14-02-2008

I tend to agree with Nem... if a sorry is said - then thats it - no more special options should be given, no pref for jobs, housing or anything, level the playing field now I say!

RE: SORRY eyeryone ready - Heidi1 - 14-02-2008

RaZ Wrote:I tend to agree with Nem... if a sorry is said - then thats it - no more special options should be given, no pref for jobs, housing or anything, level the playing field now I say!

When live birth rates and death rates are the same, then the playing field will be level.

I apologise for my previous post, it was rude.