What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss?
oh well cant help it now.

dont stress mate things were taken care of ;)

hmm this is gettin off topic again, my bad.
I was wearing dryrider jacket and Draggin jeans, helmet and gloves (leather, but very old). No injuries but really, all I did was slide along the wet drag strip, and that's like ice when wet. So even the jeans and gloves showed no signs of abrasion. Hardly worth claiming it as a prang really....
My first and last off was about 22 yrs ago I was wearing boardies thongs and a singlet oh and of course a full face helmet i flew into a corner that i had been through no more that 20 minutes ealier and for some reason there was a heap of crusher dust left on it this time round slid down the road at around 80 ks i had gravel rash from my ankle to the tips of my fingers on the left side of my body I still remember getting dressed in jeans to go to a party that night and having the chicks mum soaking me in a bath tub and cutting the jeans off me cause they were all stuck to the weeping wounds
Full leathers,boots and helmet of course. It was a hot day so I wore fingerless gloves and guess where I lost bark. 2 broken ribs and a little bruising and a dented ego!!!
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Last near off was a rear end shunt at a red light. Wish I had worn a crotch protector, cricket cup or similar.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
comein over sextons hill new rear, big slide for about 25m
with missus on back Scary
both draggins jacket gloves boots lid minumum
got nice jab to ribs to remind me to stop
farkin around
My Accident, I was only wearing going out clothes & nomal boots + Helmet/gloves.Don't remember the accident at all, not even half of that day. BUT from what i was told, I was heading along the road, when a DRUNK DRIVER (PRICK) Went to overtake a car, And was on my side of the road, Hit me head on.
Injuries.. Plate & pins in both my arms,
Split my eyebrow open, Stitches in my head.
Nearly ripped the end of my nose off, And the usual pain. Very Happy
That was 16 Months ago, And the prick is just going to court at the end of the month.
My last was in 2004, hit a puddle of diesel going around a slow "turn left at any time with care" corner/. Didn't see the diesel, was too busy nodding to one of the Canberra traffic Sergeants I know, got high sided, landed on the point of my left shoulder, then the head - straight up straight down, f****d the shoulder, broke (Smashed) a rib that tore bits out of my lung. Wering leather jacket without armour, with amour I'd have gotten up all embarrassed and cried over the bike. Jeans, not a mark on them, boots, not a mark - bike = f****d, helmet f****d. With the amount of traffic that was going by on the other side of the road - luckiest prang I ever had, could have been much worse.
Now wear leather with armour during the summer and DriRider jacket with armour during winter and best boots money can buy. Only prang in the previous 23 years (touch much wood), like most of us I have so many near misses I am getting a little blase about them. These days "they have to catch me to kill me!" is my survival moto.

I hope the wanker gets heaps Baldy, he deserves it for nearly killing you mate.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
100km/hr on the glasshouse mtns hwy... hit a dog.. slid and tumbled for a while..

wearing leather jacket, draggin jeans, boots, gloves.. all i got was a 20c coin size graze... was very lucky i didn't get ran over by passing car which funny enough was my girl friend.. freaky shit...
(Townsville, QLD)

www.stickersuperstore.com.au (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
1st- dririder cordura jacket, gloves, helmet, regular shoes and jeans (40km low side slide- no injuries- slight bruising
2nd- 60km hr slide down mountain back of brisbane into a ditch, bike flipped and landed on my back. Had same gear as above, sore arse and brusied pride
3rd- hit from behind by a car at traffic lights at 60km/hr- leather jacket and shorts (i know i know)- landed on the tarmac running - no injuries
Show 'em the picture of your tank Mr. Balls of steel ! That always made me wince! Scary
I've had heaps of dirt bike offs and the one thing I learned that keeps youre pieces together is to "Dress for the crash, not the ride". Never really injured myself as I have always maintained this when I dress to ride. Had my first off (high-side) on a right hand corner at some lights. Didn't see the grey wet paint on the road. Was wearing full leathers, boots, gloves, back protector. No injuries and the bike was rideable back home. The other two offs have been at the track where I was wearing the same gear. They were both low-sides and at about 70 and 100 ks. I remember sliding on my ass on the track thinking this is just like when you had your sprinkler on the tarp on the lawn as a kid.
I find it quite unnerving if I get on the bike without full protective gear, sure it might be stinking hot and youre sweating like a pig but the discomfort is worth it, it's insurance against serious injury. I grimace when I see these young chicks on scooters in their skirts and high heels with no gloves or jacket....
About five years ago I had my first encounter with a moving car. Biker
I was doing about 40km's and a 4WD did a U turn in front of me, Scary( They were Checkin out chicks on Bay street Port Melbourne), I was wearing a helmut, leathers, boots, gloves, etc.
I remember flying in the air, over my handle bars.
Like slow motion, I landed on the road, bounced: thought to my self "this is O.k !! I'm O.k".

Admittedly I have worn jeans and a T.shirt on occasion, but I wouldn't recommend it. Pi_freak
never fly higher than your angel.
I guess seeing as something I said started all this I better post my off.

Only had one major off, but with the way I ride people might suggest that Iâ€m looking for a second.

The big one was up Latrobe Valley. Iâ€d had my Lâ€s for near on a month, I was 18 and I knew everything thing there was to know about being the best rider on earth. (I forgot it all as I grew up) The steed of choice at the time was a spankin new 92 RGV 250 Suzuki. Ring, ding, ding, ding, ring, ding, ding, ding, two stroker that had aspirations of growing up to be a 500 GP bike (shame it never had a chance) As for me, I didnâ€t just know how to ride like a racer, I even looked the part. Full single piece Dainese leather suit, boots, and gloves, even had a separate armadillo back protector underneath. On top of all this was a prize shoei helmet. So there I was, lookin like I was gods gift and out to prove it (Must note here that the knee sliders were pristine, not even a scratch) Then on one average Sunday I was tucked down under the screen on the little RGV, feeling the wind rushing over my neck. Boy, was I slipstreamed with that bike. So much so that I used to fly along and mind numbing speeds. Like this particular day, where I was getting right in there at 115 km/h. (I was a numb nut kid, ok. At the time it seemed quite fast.) So there I was leaning my bike over (would you believe I had my knee out. Straight out, the only way it woulda touched the ground was if I dropped the bike) I hooking into a cicaine starting with a left hander thatâ€s has a yellow diamond speed advisory of 80. Ignoring this I dove in having shed only 5 km/h off my speed. (wipe off five hey?) then as I exited the corner at the same speed I didnâ€t accelerate and leaned the bike the other way to enter the right hander. My mind focused intently on the task at hand, and my eyes focused on the road 5 meters in front of the bike. So focused that as I started to stand the bike up exiting the corner a large white bumper-bar entered my field of view. Yep, five meters away, and slap bang in front of me. Had I actually been a skilled rider and been looking ahead I would have had ample time to pull the bike in harder and go around the oncoming car on the right. Fortunately I wasnâ€t so bad a rider that I was on the wrong side of the road like most of you are thinking. In fact, it was the car that was on my side of the road. The poor woman had being distracted by one of those loud, frustrating devices that people strap onto back seats and had turned around to adjust the volume. I think they are referred to as children. She had drifted onto my side of the road and was still doing 100 km/h. Iâ€ve missed something…. Oh yeah, The enormous bang!!!! Yep, the bike met the Holden Camira wagon about an inch off dead centre of the front grill with the loudest, worst, (it really is a horrible sound) bang. By this stage Iâ€d panicked and was attempting to bail out. Iâ€d stood up on the footpegs, just, ready to leap to safety. Bloody lucky I had. As the bike was burying itself into the engine bay of the car the annoying law of physics regarding inertia took over proceedings and I found myself flying (full on superman style) head first over the smashing windshield of the bike. Had I still been sitting I would now be female (without testicles) and possible dead. (neither of which sound very appealing) Then I flew on, and over the windshield of the car, nearly getting over without contact, the toe of one boot hit. Believe it or not, Iâ€m telling this as I saw it. Everything slowed down. If a radio had of been playing I reckon the lyrics of the song would have slowed to a drone. I watched as I passed over the long white roof of the station wagon until I saw asphalt appear from beneath it. The asphalt continued to pass under me as I began too loose altitude. Damn that gravity. It was at this time my brain registered that impending pain and suffering were neigh and I went limp. (No, I didnâ€t faint. I think my body figured it was farked and why fight it) As I dropped lower to the hard blackness of tar and gravel it suddenly flashed to a vibrant green. The green of lush grass, and splat, contact. A perfectly executed bally whacker on grass. Laying face down I slid along. Not able to see anything anymore I rolled over just in time to see the bottom strand of a barbed wire fence gouge two deep scratches into my visor. Shortly after this I came to a stop. I laid there for a moment assessing the situation. I remember thinking… ‘No pain, a bit winded but the toes still wriggle, fingers too. Ok, sit up and have a look.†And I did. There were my legs, one pristine knee slider missing and the leather grass stained and muddy. Looking down, my gloves were still on so I put them by my sides and stood up. To my surprise I wasnâ€t even wonky. Steady as a rock. I looked across to the road where I saw that the car had only gone on a short distance off the end of the corner and had come to a stop in a cloud of steam. Realising I was ok I headed over to the car and made sure the mother and her child were safe and well. She was so good she began apologizing straight away but she didnâ€t mention at the time that she had no insurance, I found that out later. I then looked at my pride and joy (get your mind outa the gutter, I may have landed on my guts but my mind was on my bike). There it was, standing in the front of the car. There was little doubt it would be a right off as I watched oil dripping from the smashed engine casings. Bits of fairing were strewn everywhere. There were even pieces of alloy front rim on the road. The swing arm had bent and the rear wheel had impacted the back of the motor stoving it in and making it look like a love heart on itâ€s side. The fuel tank had ripped off its rear mount and folded into the handlebars and ruptured.
The end result was a ride to the cop shop in a divi van to give a statement while the mother and child got a cosy cruse to the hospital in the ambulance. I even had to get a mate to pick me and give me a ride home.

Well, that was it. My one and only, so far, accident. Fully kitted out with all the gear a totally and utter tosser would by, and I didnâ€t get so much as a scratch. Go figure huh? Iâ€m not as paranoid anymore, but I only ride in head to toe bike gear.

Hope this wasnâ€t too boring a read I got a bit carried away.

Cheers all

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