A.P.E. Manuel CCT chain snaps
Dear Les,

It is still with amazement that I write this and I wonder why, out of 9 or so paragraphs, a good two thirds of that is backmarking Pete. I now communicate with the intent of solving this dramatic play of plays that seems to be in a state of perpetual motion.
Firstly, I must though refer to the "Shayster Ponies".
You are right, I do know better and my bike, on a completely different dyno, in a completely different area, with a completely different operator has shown 171.8HP ( 0.2HP difference from Pete's measurements). No, you do not need to do "serious engine mods" to see this amount of horsepower. Ask JP, for I have heard through various sources that he has informed (including bike shops) that he gets 180HP - no engine mods. In my field, there are no problems acquiring 20-40 hp with an exhaust system, air filtration mods and a remap or piggyback ECU.

Enough of all that. I am now leaving my email address for you to send me a communique based on the fact that we would like to see an end to this and I am willing to communicate and mediate this situation that seems to have gotten out of hand.

Contact me if you will - rnaidu@bigpond.net.au
okay, enough is enough.

I've had enough of all this shit.
First point, I find this board more interesting.
Second point, I've spoken to Les and Volvi and I do belive they have never called me with intent to do damage to others' or suggested it in any fashion.
Third point, I suggested a while ago, that people stay on their own boards.
Fourth point, Why the f*** has this not happined.
Fifth point, I have been guilty of stirring the shit, just as a few others have.
Sixth point, why arn't I threatened with a law suit as well?
Seventh point, would love for someone to land one on me!
Eight point, If someone is thinking of legal action, Shit you better be right, the reverse side is not worth thinking about. Get my drift.
Suggestion, all cool it, stay on your own board and leave well enough alone

As I can't post on the other board I trust some will read this and get on with life.

Isn't this supposed to be about Busas and makink them better, well, thats What i think. Comments please!

Regards Col
Dear Col,
You've had enough?!
First Point - Both boards are as interesting ...
Second Point - Its good that you believe somebody!
Third Point - Yours was just a suggestion, not a ruling!
Fourth Point - There is no need to swear ....
Fifth Point - It takes a big man to admit to their misdoings
Sixth Point - I don't know... Ask the right person!
Seventh Point - Universe listens! Be careful what you wish for!
Eighth Point - Don't hint. Say it like you mean it ...
As to your suggestion, I am in full agreeance but all snide referrals need to stop (on both sides)
Question, Why can you not post on the other board?
And lastly, you are 100% correct. It is about making Busa's better, except sadly, its making us worse ....
All of us!
Col and Heidi,

Thanks for your input, let's get on with busa scoring and not at each other. A whole new year ahead of us, let's hope we can ALL enjoy a good Busa year no matter which board we may be on.

PS. c43 as moderator you should know why col can't post on the other board.
hi col,

thank you for posting here clarifying that volvi and i have never called you with intent to do damage to others,,

this has been an ongoing issue with peter (boss2) who has relentlessly accused volvi and i of causing your agitation with him,,

i hope that this clears up this issue with peter and all his supporters, once and for all,,

thank you once again
To put a positive spin on the latest inter board bun fight,
has anyone noticed the massive increase in traffic to this thread? 378 views & climbing rapidly!! the sponsors must be over the moon LOL
Dear Les

I was sincerely hoping that you would have contacted me by now as I was very keen to get this mess sorted.
But it seems that you have not (replied). Nevertheless, I must, in my form, inform you that Peter is not threatening legal action any more but now has gone on to engage his lawyers for what is considered by them as slander, defamation and libel against you. What an absolute pity as I was sure we could have had this sorted out.

All your posts of implications and innuendos are now copies of evidence against you with what originally started out as your opinions but then regressed to a state of blatant disregard for his livelihood and well being. At this point I must interject and clarify this mans actions. No man who has put money, blood and toil into his business will accept the statements you guys have posted in the past. I must say that even I would have proceeded to take legal action myself with the kind of blatant page three sensationalist 'The Sun' type comments. Except I would have done it much sooner so I guess in some funny way, Peter has shown an immense constituency in his person. But tell me Les ... Did you actually expect to get away with the ridicule you threw in his face? I am surprised if you did and even more amazed if you did not!

And oh, to add, I have corrected some members of my board for retaliating to your comments in the fashion that they do sometimes, so we won't go into the hypocritic rules for Ram here...
You know his phone number Les, also his address and his whereabouts ... Why in the world did you not call? Why in the world have you let it denigrate to this level? I tried (I spent 3 hours with Pete today, trying to get him to change his mind and talk at a round table, instead of this warcharge but to no avail) and you didnt have the decency to try and contact me ... I guess I will never understand. Before I leave though, I did promise Pete something ... that I would post his feelings for you on this board as long as he remained somewhat refrained so read on ...

Post from Pete at Pete's Pitstop

God Col Has Spoken ! Now I'll Add My Bit !!
Well since I spoke to Col last night at 6.30pm on the phone most surprised to see his post, as he certainly had nil to say to my face..........as usual, seems to be the case with these net people, can't say it to your face but can say plenty from the key board.
I also sent Les a private e-mail suggesting alternatives to the situation
First suggestion was we meet and sort it out in person

Secondly he makes an apology and retracts his slanderous lies from the board.

Thirdly if either of the above does not occur by tomorrow evening,legal proceedings shall be issued against him first thing Monday.

Not the out come to the situation that I desire, but if he or anyone else thinks I am going to sit back and have the garbage and lies spread across a world wide web page about myself or my business by the likes such as Les or any other dick that wants to have a free shot, then I think they need a reality check. Mr Kohn has placed me in a position where I have no alternative but the course of action that is and will be taken.
In short, get out your cheque book Les, the outcome is irrelevent, you will now be in the position where you can either apologise for all the accusations, insinuations and straight out slanderous allegations and statements you have made about myself and my company over the past six months. If not, in the same manner that you have dogged myself and my company over this period of time, I shall dog you thru every court in this land, with a passion that you won't believe existed. You obviously like to play games with peoples lives Les, well hang on, because I'm about to teach you a very expensive lesson.
You have had your fun and tried your best to destroy my credibility Les, there is no doubt of this, now be prepared to pay for it, or as the saying goes .....put your money where your mouth is. You are about to find out you have indeed meddled and played around with the wrong persons life. Boss
G'day one and all,

God, I think not, possibly JC, but my ankles are getting wet of late.So you see I can't walk on water.But I'm trying real hard. One day! whats the point you guys are a waste of time.

Post what you like and turn my words around, sorry to say it but anything I seem to say C43 turns it around. I suppose anyone can look at something and imagine a blow job.

Well Pete, you have really exceled this time, I read your posts and a blind man could see what you were up to. You need not have told me on the phone. However, to come at this, you really do miss the point.

How is it that a group of disgruntled club members go off and start their own board. The leader starts to whinge that all of a sudden business is dropping off. This new board has only about half of the members the original board has, and when you look closley only say 5 or 6 comment on a regular basis. Don't you feel that you have made a rod for your own back. General business sence tells us that you look at the market, and make your decisions from there. If you stuff up concider it a learning curve.

Now Pete, lets get to the guts of things, you have called me a number of times, and yes I've bee polite to you as I felt this whole deal could be sorted out with reason. Man was I wrong, you were only interested in the correction factor I used on the dyno, and you seemed uneasy with what I told you. On the other occasions you crawled up my arse, Still for what reason I don't know.

From the E-Mails you sent me that were more than agressive, I feel you have been cut more than enough slack. I never responded to them as I felt you were so out of left field that replying would only make the situation worse.

Everything in my previous post has been taken from other posts, If anyone has a problem with that, then maybe you should'nt post.

Pete, come to terms with what is happining, you stuffed up when you did the sums for the new board, and if you were so convinced it would work(the reason you started it)why the hell do yo still look at the other board. Got me stuffed.

PS. Give me a call Pete.

Regards Col

Around words my turn? Please!

Its not word play Col but a stand for a seemingly blind play of sarcasm and poisoning that seems to have gone on far too long. You are a man of the world I an sure, as we all are, so put yourself in Pete's shoes (really do it I mean...) and you may find the situation of his reaction to all this garbage no different to the stand you will take.

Nevertheless, my apologies if you think that all my intentions are is to turn your words around. Not my style but never mind ...
I would'nt like to be in your shoe's Les. And as for you Volvi.........
as a motor mechanic with over 20ys experience i have worked on many bikes.many models that first came out with cct's had probs and manufactures corrected these faults.hayabusa's are not the only motorcycle with this problem.as i am still fitting tensioners to blackbirds, some on there second tensioner.
No i do not work for a suzuki dealer, yet i own a busa as i consider it to be the best bike for it's time.
as for services people do not realise what good mechanics do when they service a bike, plus the hidden bits that they do not realise.cost of disposing of oils, filters etc, paper work plus any extras that are done but are not specified on the job card, even to the point of test riding the bike and cleaning it.
"WELL" there you go phill, no sooner had i suggested that you had shown restraint in recent times, you come back with this highly intellectual commentary indicating that you haven't really recovered you individualism at all and are still just one of the 'drones',,

if you have nothing worthwhile to contribute, why do you bother?

and BTW, i'm very disappointed to see that the "humpty busa ballad" which your boss composed, had suddenly vanished off your board, quite a pity really, because it was really quite well thought out to try and provide maximum offence to volvi and myself, he seems rather talented in that area unlike in some other areas, although it must be really uncomfortable to have your co-club member and friend continually embarrassing you all like that,,

never mind though, i have copies of every single piece of offensive material directed at me and others and will obviously have an opportunity to present it all in court where you will no doubt be summoned as a witness for BOTH sides,,

well as they say, see you in court phill,,


I put this on Club Volvi, cos' thats what this board is good for! And believe me Les, you won't want to see me - ANYWHERE! Anyway, have a nice day
you just keep regressing phill, c'mon you don't wanna make public threats like your mate peter, how will you ever explain that in court?

furthermore, your credibilty as a witness will be totally eroded, think about it phill!

what was that phill??? "due provocation your honour" i hear you echoing peter's ridiculous statements,,

just try it!!

you have a nice day too phill,,

Sorry, ol' boy, but there was no threat there.........must be the way you interpreted it! (?) And whats this talk of court? I'm not the one going there.
You are! (LOL)
Furthermore, (LOL) the only regressing I'm doing is replying to you. Everyone has had a bit of fun, and I don't want to miss out. I keep telling you - thats what Club Volvi is for.
Well, it was lovely having some fun with you, but I have to go.
By the way, thanks for the laugh, and I will have a nice day. (LOL)

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