Hayabusa Holden
I was reading in the paper today about the latest monaro being released.Its got a 7 litre engine,420kw of power and a top speed of around 300km/h.On paper it almost sounds as good as a busa.How much for one of these little numbers,try $215,000.Cheap compaired to the busa.....NOT! $215,000 for a holden,tell them they're dreamin.Lets hope the cops dont get them ....later Rod.
At 215thou, they wont become your average squad car
This is true,but i read a few months ago that the cops were considering getting some saabs......WHO KNOWS?
They don't need them for a squad cars! Just shitty old four wheel drives have been know to catch Busa's.
(Sorry Richard)
Cheers Phil
must have been on of those 8ltr supercharged 4WD's.

I saw the Monaro in question at the motorshow. Looks just like any other old Monaro - give me 10 Hayabusa's anyday.
lol gdyup.......

but the holden is a joke...... to compete with porsche, get real guys. Next they'll think they can match the McLaren F1.

I understand they'll be limited and a collectors item, but who would want a 200k holden?????

Take a 5.7 HSV, throw on 50k of performance mods and whooph..... 300km/h. And all for around the $120 mark. But if you're gonna spend that kinda money, just buy a GTR Skyline and you're at 300km/h already before spending anymore.

Stuff it, buy a busa for $15k, that's the option i took instead of the GTR, and i had enough change left over to buy a house too!

Thats if you can keep oil in the thing.G.M faulty pistons&rings i believe.
In defence of the Holden, didnt it win the Bathurst 24 hour race up against or the Euro cars or something? Pretty good for a brand new model.
This is true A.C but the porsche was up about 5 laps with 6 hours to go until it broke a driveshaft.They brought it in fixed the shaft and then drove it into a wall.Also it was a depleated field.No gtr's,nsx's,vipers or lambo's.Still you can only beat wots there.
gimme the 'porcha anyday
Personally i'm a godzilla fan.Give me a Nissan GTR anyday.
We all had you figured out for the Skyline already, Rocket.

The NSX is my flavour, in appearance anyway. Had a boss once who took one on a test drive. Was stationery at a red light when someone rear ended him. The salesman was in the passenger seat. I believe he let off gas, only just short of shitting his own pants when it happened!
I guess the bottom line is they are all "JUST CARS"
The Bathurst race wasn't a true test of the Monaro's abilities
as it had a non standard 7 (seven) litre donk in it ! Not like you can buy that over the counter just yet !

Nice looking car all the same.
Plus it was geared to the shi house to keep the rpm's down so it wouldnt blow up. You cant drive with that gearing around the street.

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