Code of Conduct
I dont mind calling faster a dickhead on the forum And when i see him I will say hi dickhead. Or how about jesse something something I dont hear from him anymore after calling me a dumb c***,over that cronulla thing that Max started
Anyway if you go off your head occasionally and say the wrong thing,then all you do is to appologise and get on with riding,as I said before if you meet him (whoever) on a ride run the c*** off the road. Cheers,
i believe that if someone is flat being abusive for no reason and abusing someone to the point of it being serious harrassment i believe that someone should have the power to reprimand the abuser but this power should be excersied catiously as it weel become to easy to jsut punish someone for the fun of it. maybe a vote of members to punish someone by limiting posts etc?
So do tell Kwaka ................. what did you say to upset Glen ?
Max send me down an equaliser will ya ...............

FF1 Edited by: fasterfaster1 at: 24/5/06 8:05 pm
Just imagine,Pan being limited on posting,he might take up smoking if it happened to him. Cheers,
I'd just like to remind everyone that the Internet is a free access medium that even the government cannot control.
How the hell can you control the input when there is free registration and access for anyone in the world with a PC.

Trusted club members will obey their own self imposed rules and newbies will learn to live the same way.

No one is ever going to stop me putting my foot in my mouth or Kawasuki swearing or Max shooting off - so to speak!

So forget a code of conduct on the internet.


I'm not using it anyway!
Dont worry faster i have the equaliser,equalised. Cheers,
Hey Pete,
I'll email you some guns mate, I'll email you the rounds in a separate email, you can't be sending these things together you know! Jack-Boot Johnny might get the shits!

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Take up smokin'? What, do I look like Franko?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'm ashamed of my post count...
"sometimes crime does pay"
I've seen post disappear on here without word or warning, so is the censor in already? Or are we putting this down to a service provider glitch?

You'd be an idiot to argue with or be offended by a faceless alias on the internet from miles away, but surely honest, informed opinion should not be removed from the site.
Posts are not edited or removed unless asked maybe by the orig poster.
We did have the big bang a while back and lost a lot.

I tend to agree that it seems to be going ok of late.
You will always have hairy moments...
It's a good idea to keep these guidelines in mind though.

Ray I think you r still hurting re those comments from THAT girl.
See Pan for some free therapy.
Hey Pan might even give you a discount!
(But I doubt it!!!) Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Shit if I had known it was a girl I would have punched it. Cheers,
I'm happy with the way things are

See a head........put the slipper in

Ahhhhhhh...only gaggin
Rev u can take the boy out of Oak Park but ya can't take Oak Park outta the boy!

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Not me DJ.... meek & mild back then (like now)

Speaking of putting the slipper in

I'm sitting having a brew with wifey @ the local shopping centre & a couple of young dudes start pushing & shoving each other

The local butcher gets between them & no harm done & no punches thrown & they go their separate ways. THEN this young chick flys in & lets rip with huge haymaker & decks this other chick
Then one of the pushers & shovers jumps on one of the chicks & gets flattened by a round house right hook from the other pusher & shover. Next thing all hell breaks loose & there's fists & ripped out hair flying everywhere

Ah yes, nothing like a decent stoush for entertainment over a nice latte
That would only happen in Sunbury.
Never in Oak Park/Broady!

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!

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