Code of Conduct
Thought that this has much merit... cut and pasted from OZ Sportsbike site...might I add others here should consider visiting.
None the less , cast your eye over what they see as acceptable and NOT on their forum.

Ozsportsbikes was created with one primary goal in mind,
To create a friendly environment for motorcycle enthusiasts to communicate with each other.
As the site grows, it has become evident that we need to have a code of conduct to live by (as far as this site is concerned). So below is a set of guides that are expected from each and every member.

Website Conduct.
1. While online at Ozsportsbikes, leave the attitude outside.
2. Criticism of a fellow member is fine as long as it is constructive and not just outright whinging.
3. Ranting wars between members is not acceptable in the forums. Have a problem with a member, sort it out with them face to face and NOT in the forum.
4. Bad language, name calling and abuse towards police men/women (or any other member for that matter)is not permitted.
5. Brand rivalry is great. But remember that it's all in good spirit, dont take it personally.
6. It's very hard to judge the "attitude" expressed in a forum post. Typing something that you may find humorous, may come accross as something totally offensive. For this reason, the forum has a large range of emoticons available to use to help identify your feelings within the post.

Images Within Forum Posts.
Save the image to your computer and use the attachment feature within the forum to upload it to the forum.
Images that are hotlinked will be deleted without notification.

The following are the guides that have been set for Moderators of the forum.
I am posting them here so that you may have a better understanding as to what is acceptable or why your post was edited.
* Abusive posts towards other members - Move to "Post Archive" or edit and tame down
* Posts bagging out businesses that include the business name - Remove the name and anything that may identify the business, or move to "Post Archive".
* General comments regarding businesses are OK.. as long as they are not bagging said business.
* Sexist posts (jokes or whatever) - use your common sense
* When you edit a post, please put a "Edited by:" at the bottom of the post
* If you move a post to the "Post Archive", send a PM to the author of the post explaining yor actions and letting them know that it may be returned later.

This ones a little hard.. and your gunna have to try and read between the lines.. Use your best judgement.
In Threads that are asking a valid question or posing a valid comment that requires a valid reply....
One line posts, posts that you can read as being total crap, posts that have NO relevance to the original thread topic.. DELETE. (Only the offending post.. not the whole thread)

If the thread is general chit chat.. and does not pose a serious question/comment.. then leave all posts in. If however the owner of that thread requets shit be removed, take it into consideration and act accordingly.
IF... A general chit chat crap post is placed anywhere else OTHER than general chat.. then move it or archive it.

1. If a member posts items for sale into the forum, reply to the post and inform them that they have 24 hours to add it to the classifieds section and then the post will be deleted (moved to the archives)
2. If the items are already listed in the classifieds, Move the post to the archives and PM the member letting them know.
3. If the advertising is of a commercial nature, move the post to the archive and then PM the member and inform them to contact me for any commercial advertising on the site.

Keep in mind... We dont want to become Nazzi Mods.. It IS a bike site afterall..
Use your best judgement.. If you are unsure, then post into the Mod section or just move the thread to the post archive for review.

Group Ride Conduct.
1. Please wear appropriate clothing when joining on a group ride.
2. Highway riding (or anywhere that bunches the group up) is to be in staggered formation.
3. If on the highway you wish to pull a wheelie or anything else, then move over into another lane and away from the group. (although OSB does not condone this kind of behaviour on public roads ;-) )
4. Passing... if you wish to overtake another member then do so in a safe and courteous manner. DO NOT try to pass on the inside of a corner under any circumstances (Passing in dual lanes is acceptable).
5. If you have a member behind you that you think (or know) you are holding up, move over to the left side and allow that member to pass. Do not try and pin them behind.
6. If you are leading a group, stop at intersections or turning points and re-group the riders behind you. No one is saying slow down, but at least wait at turns for everyone following behind so they know where you are going. It is fine for the group to split through the twisties or faster sections of roads, as you wait at turns and re-group.
7. Don't feel pressured to "keep up" on rides. We welcome novice / beginner riders. We generally have a rider that will volunteer to stay at the back of the pack so that no-one gets lost. And as above... we stop regularly.

These guides will be added to or amended from time to time, so please check back every so often to check.
i thought most of that was common sense...
aren't you always supposed to ride staggered?
most of those would be unspoken or unwritten in this club, yeah?

Whats there site address?
Feel the force. ANGGI
I think this issue was raised about 6 months ago and the general consensus on our board was that a code of conduct was not necessary as long as people used their posting ability sensibly and put things in the right discussion threads.

We have all probably made some posts that we regret later but everyone now has the ability to edit their own posts and should do so when they realise a mistake has been made or that a stuff up has been pointed out to them.

I don't like rules for the sake of having rules. The world is bureacratic enough.


I'm not using it anyway!
And bring on the thought police................

Yeh good idea that code of conduct,then I wont be called a dead c***,and a few other name callers(no names mentioned MAX) who would or could exiled from the site. But again we might end up up with no members to talk to,,,HMMM its a toss up. Maybe we should have a vote(Private poll). Cheers,
I know Ray what we will do is email you with our votes Cheers Bill

This group is very well behaved on the whole, we all, well most of you, manage to contain really savage flaming and keep it down to a dull roar. Language is another thing altogether. We are all adults with very few shrinking violets in our midst who would object to the odd occassional f***, shit and Ray's favourite deadcunt word .

Self regulatory is still the best way to go otherwise you end up with endless rules, regulations and bannings.

Max - freedom to the proletariat!!
Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
I think we wouldnt have any conversations if we brought those in! Pan puick run no post whoring fg
I'd like to see these put in place over at OZ Drag

That may sort out some of the NUT BAG'S over there

Who knows...........Regards Richard.....
ok I guess a few words from me is warranted on this subject. Personally speaking I hate rules and regulations, I get into enough trouble in my other bike club when new guys join and suddenly want to start instigating all sorts of rules and regulations, turns me right off. I say be and let be.

By and large this group has been fine over the years. I reckon a certain amount of self regulation is practised by all. Sure we'll get a few popcorn moments but hey you gonna get that at times, last thing anyone wants is some administrator to step in and throw some rules on this or that and thereby have to take some action. No doubt when there is a clear abuser to one and all he wud get flamed enough to get the message.

However all that being said, this board does not belong to any one particular person but to the club as a whole and if most indicate they want some rules and regulations then I will go along with the majority and the clubs wishes.
You do realise you'd lose the G thread and the joke ones and anything to do with Cronulla.
OH and most of what Max writes!
Personally as being a recipient of a fair lashing in years gone by ............... for me if you can't say it to a mans face then you don't have the right to type it.
Thats an unwritten rule I believe

Yes, FF, that should be in each person's mind as they write.

Additionally, it should be noted, that while many post under various aliases, most of us do not hide behind these - we generally know the real identity of each poster. Lesser tolerance will be given to aliases where the true identity is not known or is dubious. Flaming by an unidentified newbie will be assessed even less favourably than by a known and loved regular...

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