Km's needed before drag....
Liar, Liar,

You were trying to finish quickly so you could get back to us. <i></i>
Nick, come to WSID tomorrow night and just watch... so you can get your "eye in". Plenty of nice people around to give you tips on the night. Easiest thing is to just have fun and your times will be great. If you stress too much you'll run crappy times!
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
On my first ever run, I took off when the 2nd stage light lit up. In hindsight I should have stayed a little longer, yellow is good! I didn't get a timeslip for that effort so my first ever run remains a mystery. <i></i>
So what were the other runs??? Just out of interest.

Did you have just the best fun??

Cheers Dee <i></i>
I been out there a couple of times to watch, it looks great fun.... Will just have to learn by doing i guese.... Cheers for the advice guys....

PS. Was going to go out and take a look on Wed but work had other ideas lol....


Nick.... <i></i>
Excellent fun Dee, thats why I keep going back. I have only ever ridden on the street and mostly in a civillised and gentlemanly manner . Getting away from a standstill in a hurry is a new concept for me! for the time being I seem to be improving which is good.
Just returned from the garage to have a smoke and dig up the timeslips, results as follows: 4 runs in total, 1st result unknown, no print out. 60' for rest = 2.132 to 2.069. ET = 11.036 to 10.685. <i></i>
Great times for a first timer well done mate. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
f*** nos I've got Velocity
Excellent stuff for your first go.

Cheers Dee <i></i>
see you all again on the 7th ill be there <i></i>

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