Km's needed before drag....
I can finaly ride my busa, and have been racking up the km's as quick as posible so i can have it fully run in.... I was just wondering how many Km's i should put on the bike before i start draging it and adding extra bits (plus dino), the last thing i wanna do it get to eager and damage the bike....


Nick.... <i></i>
PS. When is the next drag night out at WSID....


Nick.... <i></i>
Kms ???? most motors are all pre run in anyway now days but I would wait untill 5K
Next Bike Night is 7th Feb

Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
5k <i></i>

Wonder what my mate Pan is up to...... <i></i>
Whatever is says in the owners manual regarding running in procedures ie k's and max rpm not to exceed.
Rapid mag did a story late last year where they took a busa out of the crate at the track, ran it in on a dyno and then drag raced it!
Yeh Chris, that article was a copy of the same article in a US magazine I saw on the internet over a year before that. It was called "Crate to Eight in Eight hours" or something...

How did I get dragged into this discussion?
What have I missed?
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
This is what Brock has to say about Breaking in a bike.

Brocks Performance Breakin

Crate to 8 Features



If you are looking to buy Tim Hailey the guy who put the DVD together sells them. He is also a correspondent for Rapid Magazine, which is why they got to tun it. Top Storey even if it was a Reprint.


Pan on the ball as always Shayne

<i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 12/1/07 20:53
There you have it, from almost nothing to anal, each to his own as far as the run in goes. Good poster in that edition of Rapid. Another good question is: "which is the best oil to use?" <i></i>
OLEON..of course. Cheers,
Well i am going to go with the theory that as many kms as i can do between now and wed the 7th is enough, hopefull will be around 2000kms....

Anyone got any technique tips for a first timmer to draging....


Nick.... <i></i>
roll up to the start line and when the light goes take off and ride really really fast towards the end. well thats wat will get you 11's as for anything faster ask one of them faster types M109R for sale PM me for a good time oops i mean deal<i></i>
Don't forget to tell him about the sandtrap! <i></i>
And be wary of guys flashing their bare breasts at you as well.
made me go faster (but I was trying to get away) <i></i>

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