Hi Simmo,
For future reference when doing on line entry.
In the section it says bracket click on "Other WSID" then in the class the drop down will give you "street fighter"
Hope this is a help.
cheers Dee <i></i>
Entered thanks for your help Dee. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
That Dee, sounds like a sweet girlie Bruce....... real helpfull
cee how she goes on 2 wheels nxt hey.... without a POWERSTROKE....that'll sort em out .....boys from the girlie skips
<i>Edited by: Gazza414 at: 20/7/06 3:55 pm
Thanks Dee
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
Still no tickets and can't find out if the money is out of my secret account, should I be worries, has anyone received their tickets yet
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
nuffink yet Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Don't be to worried just yet. They usually dont turn up untill the Monday/Tuesday of the week that the meeting is on.
We also still haven't received ours. If I still have nothing by Wednesday I will give them a ring and find out was is going on and let you all know.
Cheers Dee
PS So who is coming out to play?? <i></i>
I thought we were all dead serious Dee...you mean your team has been playing all this time...... smug basturds
So when Bruce and Rob and I cant get into the 9's were all just playing Okkkkk..ya with me dear
where's that other smug racer Sr440 who just plays with all of us ( on the track ).....lurkin I'd expect <i>Edited by: Gazza414 at: 28/7/06 5:59 pm
Got mine in the mail today.
N2O no laughing matter
Now I see why you are having problems getting into the 9's. You are to serious and that in turn puts to much pressure on one's self.
I sugest the you start to play and have some fun and then the 9's will come.
This is why Sr440 is also in the 9's as he is always playing around.
Smug! Well what can I say. Don't you know who we are??
He He He He.
Cheers Dee
It looks as if I will be out!
I will be at the meet to give a hand, but unfortunatly I missed the cut off, mind you if it is back together in time I will try my hardest to get in. (we need a fingers crossed emoticon, I could only find this ).
My bike looks like this right now
The motor is also pulled down, and the head and barrels are getting machined so they are flat, like they should be.
I have the best help available with Leonard and Dee, but I will be held back on the delivery of parts.
Never the less I will be at every street meet till the East Coast Nationals, after the bike is back together.
So if anyone needs a trailer, with all the tools and parts you should need for the day, I have one and it will only cost you your free entry ticket. (I will even tow it for you, but that will cost a couple of beers)(Leonard, Dee and SR440 shut up{I know they can rent one cheaper, probably for the whole week})
Dave <i></i>
I have a crew ticket if you need it. I will have to get those NOS parts off you one day before I leave. Sorry mate I have been absolutely flat out this last week. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Got my tickets in the mail Friday also,
Now all I have to do is the rest of my go fast bling parts back by next weekend (don't think I have as many problems as Cas but, good luck Dave)
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
Dave, your more than welcome to have a few rides on my Bus on Sundee --lets hope that BOM is wrong with the weather forecast
I got ya number <i>Edited by: Gazza414 at: 2/8/06 6:55 pm