13-07-2006, 05:02pm
Sunday August 6th is my last chance to race before I head west and show em how its done at the Kwinana Motorplex.
"Sunday, 6 August 2006
Bracket Attack - W S I D Track Championship Round 2
Competitor Gates Open 7.30am
Spectator Gates Open 9.30am
Racing from 9.30am"
Pre entries here: /www.wsid.com.au/secure/entry.asp?Id=149
Anyone interested in comming our for a race??
We raced in the same event last weekend and got over a dozen runs. Enter the superstreet or street fighter class ($55.00) but you must enter 2 weeks before or face possible exclusion or at least a $20.00 late entry fee if prebookings are low. Both of the above classes are demonstration only so there is no winner or looser we just grudge race all day!. No need to dial in times just hit it and go as fast as you can.
I have invited the Canberrans and may even put on a BBQ Saturday night for all and sundry.
N2O no laughing matter
"Sunday, 6 August 2006
Bracket Attack - W S I D Track Championship Round 2
Competitor Gates Open 7.30am
Spectator Gates Open 9.30am
Racing from 9.30am"
Pre entries here: /www.wsid.com.au/secure/entry.asp?Id=149
Anyone interested in comming our for a race??
We raced in the same event last weekend and got over a dozen runs. Enter the superstreet or street fighter class ($55.00) but you must enter 2 weeks before or face possible exclusion or at least a $20.00 late entry fee if prebookings are low. Both of the above classes are demonstration only so there is no winner or looser we just grudge race all day!. No need to dial in times just hit it and go as fast as you can.
I have invited the Canberrans and may even put on a BBQ Saturday night for all and sundry.
N2O no laughing matter