Some people are scum
It really pisses me off to hear or read about bad things happening to good people!
Scum like this will continue stealing, getting caught is only a matter of time, lets hope that they're caught by someone with a gun! But like Ward said Karma will get them....
One thing I've noticed about thieving scum is that they think they're really brave, but when they're caught they wimper and show even more cowardice begging for mercy and when something is stolen from them they cry the loudest!
[Image: hayabusa-5.jpg] [Image: HayabusaLogo-Grey.gif]
I know a bloke through the RFS who lives in an undesirable area and he has put up an electric fence (non-lethal) that he turns on every time he leaves home. Apparently, it works well because he has had only one incident since putting it up 8-9 months ago. As I understand it people can get in by jumping over the fences and gate, but getting out is very difficult with free hands let alone carrying anything worth taking.
Thats sucks, you should start a neighbor hood watch, just the end of your street
We all have each others mobile numbers,


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