I've just got the trackie home. Dragged her on the trailer up the Hume, dragging heaps easier after I raised the psi from 12 to 28 at Pheasants Nest! I stopped twice, and both times blokes dashed across the carpark to talk RGV. Pheasants Nest was fun, one bloke was an old racer and loved the RGVs. The second was funnier, while I was getting fuel, a man walked over and said, 'motorbike huh?' gesturing at the bike on the trailer. He walked around it in silence for a while, eyeing it up and down then said, 'yeah, you're going to need new tyres'. 'How come?' I asked, they've only done two trackdays at Eastern Creek, and they worked brilliantly. 'Your ones are all roughed up'. I explained sometimes they look like that. He brightened up, 'do you have tyre warmers?' I said no, I haven't hit that level yet. He said, 'my mate has those, he uses them because you don't have to change your tyres very often. He has slick tyres, they cost $110 for a PAIR!'. I expressed amazement and shock at this wonderful bargain as I backed towards the service station to pay for my petrol. Seems everyone loves the RGV.
She can be a bit tricky to start, so Bruce and I took turns kicking and swearing until she started. Next job is to put a choke on her.
The bike on the trailer, note the shiny new tie down straps.
And here is the trackie on the trailer in my backyard. After several (hundred) unsuccessful atttempts to reverse the trailer into the driveway, I gave that up as a STUPID BLOODY IDEA and just pushed it in.
Once again, thanks to Bruce. He is annoying, but he knows how to tie stuff down.