05-04-2010, 10:07am
blitz waterworks road
05-04-2010, 12:02pm
Currently in vic there looking at locking you up , and have a ex homicide squad bigwig running a anti hoon taskforce investigating who knows what...
i fear were returning to the dark ages where brute force and personal interest are taking place of common sense and the community good, keep squeezing and the cork will pop feel sorry enough for the younger ones now , bugger all outlets to let off steam, can't go out a back road for a play or head off into the bush for a ride without severe restrictions on where and how , and yet our gov is proud of its most toughest in the world stance on some issues, .......should be ashamed
05-04-2010, 06:57pm
i can see the price of stock cans and undertails going through the roof
a good mate of this board called me last night and said he is seriously thinking about selling his bike (hayabusa) all the fun has gone out of it due to these stupid laws i too for the first time since i was 14 are now thinking the same,bikes may be a fond memory I may not be missed however if XXX goes this board will lose a shit load load of valuable info ,i guess another casualty of these arse laws if i could i would keep the bike as a track bike only but i cant afford that and besides i believe to stay alive on todays roads you need current experience not once a week or or less riding skills, i do 35,000km a year and still get caught out i just checked out that lawyer link holy shit a cop having a bad day can just impound your bike no proof needed http://pottslawyers.com.au/web/page/QLD_...E_OFFENCES thanks for that tony nitrous hell of a scary read
06-04-2010, 02:39am
(05-04-2010, 06:57pm)mia06 Wrote: .....i do 35,000km a year and still get caught out hey mia06, i do the absolutely complete "opposite" !!! i try to rack up the least amount of road km's on the 'busa every year as much as possible. Public holiday double-demerit long w/ends...... way too many crazy car drivers and ![]() ![]() ![]() Travelling down to the Island twice most years for the moto-GP and WSB races....... occasionally (but thankfully, not mostly) i'll load the bike into the back of the van and i'll drive down on the speed limit all (most?) of the way, instead of riding (read: racing) down on the bike. Yeah, i cop a bit of crap (& juz take it on the chin) from some mates that ride down (but some of these same mates have come home with H-U-G-E fines, loss of license and wondering how they're gonna be able to pay and get to work the next week). Not saying it's an ideal set-up (gets a bit frustrating when u hit a set of nice twisties on the way to the island in the van and a couple of s/bikes fly past & u attempt to tuck in behind them..... ![]() .....but hey, it works for me !!!! ![]() i believe it's a game of "averages"......the more time u spend out there, the more chance of being "stung" or, much worse, becoming another of our rapidly growing "DNF" statistic list ! (RIP to all our fallen riders) baz. ![]()
06-04-2010, 03:49am
Firstly I think we all know that vehicle modifications may make us non compliant to ADR's. Lighting needs careful thought before changing. Certainly change would need to improve visability and clarity of my intent. Tail tidies maybe considered ok when a wheel hugger is used?
I am sure we all agree cars, motorcycle's and roads are much safer than in the past. But increasingly we see legislators push for lower speed limits and higher speeding fines. Possibly lobbied by insurers to minimise risk. And lower speed limits make it easier to speed so revenue benifits as well. Meanwhile every one seems to drive around with minimum attention board as crap. As motorcyclists we seem to have very little representation for legislation that affects us. Maybe we need a lobby group to represent our interests. Certainly on the bike I feel safer moving through traffic than sitting at the same speed as cars. I don't see much to be gained by antagonising an office in the event of an encounter. Just some thoughts
06-04-2010, 05:27am
I understand what you are saying bazman but when i mentioned caught out i mean my riding skills
I believe to stay sharp you have to ride frequently, not once week or worse once a month Like most things the more you do it the better you get(practice makes perfect) etc etc I truly believe if it wasn't for racking up so many km up per year, my reflex and avoidance skills would not be as sharp, i would have been cleaned up for sure Bringing my beloved bike out once a month to avoid being booked does not make sense to me as see it I have 2 options take it back to standard or get rid of it running the Gold coast to Brisbane gauntlet daily (and it is a gauntlet) i am not prepared to have a quiet pipe, just to dangerous!!!! I sms my missus and say xoxo before i leave brisy just in case i don't make it home As a board member who works for the dark side ![]() he got cleaned up on the same stretch due to a car changing lanes on top of him, he got up close and personal with a concrete barrier/hospital time etc and that was on a cop bike. now most people try to drive extra cautious when a ![]() perhaps if the bike was louder the cage driver might have heard it i have lost count how many times a cage has put its blinker on and then swerve back into the lane when i had a standard pipe on. with the noisey pipe i can see the cage drivers head scanning to see where the noise is coming from I KNOW IT WORKS AND PROBABLY HAS SAVED MY LIFE so as i see it its time go mia06
06-04-2010, 05:56am
yeah, i see ur point mia06
![]() ![]()
06-04-2010, 06:41am
mi06 if get rid of it dont you dare buy one of those tractors/ farming equipment excuse of a bike (harley or similar)
Impoundment is a legalised theft showing some criminal tendencies of lawmakers..
![]() some information about impoundments.. http://www.police.qld.gov.au/Resources/I...tewide.pdf
06-04-2010, 07:46am
Question: Is your exhaust stack a short one ? ---if so, a pig magnet.
You'll need a lawyer if you think your right. Anna Bligh---yes indeed, Crudd's Communist Labor Government. Sounds like a gerry can of 92 is in order for your local constabularies car park. Qld--NSW----I was advised that I would have been better off getting wiped out by a drunk woman driver on a Qld road, rather than a NSW Road with a NSW Registered bike. Yes Heidi, the following is "cut & paste"; Dob in a bikie Gangs Squad detectives have launched the 'Dob-in-a-bikie' initiative aimed at raising public awareness and reporting of illegal Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang activity. The New South Wales Police Force has joined numerous other states across Australia in this joint effort to tackle OMCG crime. The NSW Police Force is committed to targeting illegal activity by Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang members and their associated criminal enterprises. Police continue to work in partnership with the community and encourage the public to 'dob-in-a-bikie' by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. The NSW Police Force reassures the public that this initiative is not aimed at targeting motorcycle enthusiasts, it is aimed at the illegal activities of Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang members and their associates. If you are involved in any level of illegal OMCG activity, be warned - police and the public are watching. There is often a 'code of silence' associated with OMCG crime as victims may fear reporting matters to police. As such we are aware of a number of extortion incidents which we are hopeful of investigating with the community's assistance. The NSW Police Force wants to reassure the public and victims of crime that they can feel safe and assured that all reports are dealt with in strict confidence. The NSW Police Force encourages anyone with information about OMCG crime to contact Crime Stoppers immediately. The NSW Police Force has numerous strategies in place to target OMCG crime including Operation Ranmore and Strike Force Raptor. A total of 1,115 OMCG arrests have been made under Operation Ranmore since May 2007, with 2,508 charges laid against OMCG members and their associates. Meanwhile, Strike Force Raptor police have to date made a total of 203 arrests and laid 410 charges. Members of the public are urged that if they become witness to any of the following, they should contact Crime Stoppers immediately: What to look out for: Any acts of violence or overt crime involving OMCG members or associates; These may include drive-by shootings; Extortions - often targeting the building industry; If you see an OMCG member wearing gang colours who is involved in an act of crime or violence; If you see any suspicious behaviour in and around OMCG club houses in your area; If you are a witness to, or if you become aware of any illegal activity involving OMCGs. Anyone who is witness to any of the above activities is urged to contact Crime Stoppers immediately on XXXX XXXX XXX. You'll have to become a non-resident & stay overseas for at least 2 years under Crudd & Swann's Tax Rigime & use a foreign driving license every time you return. After all, where is Crudd going to fit all his boat people ![]() (04-04-2010, 11:03am)ROD Wrote: How can any Busa be to noisy when we have all the Harleys out there .That shouldn't be a problem Rod, you'll just have to get them little tear drop ones available from your local motorcycle shop that stick out the sides. That should keep the pigs ![]()
06-04-2010, 09:42am
(06-04-2010, 03:49am)Landmine Wrote: As motorcyclists we seem to have very little representation for legislation that affects us. Maybe we need a lobby group to represent our interests. Hey Landmine, we still have a number of lobby groiups lobbying for our interests. The Motorcycle Riders Association is in there all the time trying to get government aware of the issued we hold close. It's certainly worth spending around $10 a year to be a member. Regards. Max
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
06-04-2010, 11:30am
Thanks for the suggestion I will look into it. Could be $10 well spent. Regards Landmine Hey Landmine, we still have a number of lobby groiups lobbying for our interests. The Motorcycle Riders Association is in there all the time trying to get government aware of the issued we hold close. It's certainly worth spending around $10 a year to be a member. Regards. Max [/quote] |
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