Canberra to the Bay and Back - Sunday 26 March 2006
well as busdriver said was an excelent day perfect conditions no wind warm but not hot clear skies lotsa bikes around. the bit busdriver didnt take snaps of was the groupies there were heaps of them but were to affriad to be snapped cause they thought busdriver's name meant he was from a bang bus type of thing so they declined in case they found nude pictures of them selves all over the net F@#K im full of shit <i></i>
Looks like you two had a top day and ride. The Honduh rider stayed home because he didn't want to emabarassed at being unable to staay up with you two petrol heads. Any of NSW finest on the road?

Half your luck guys.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Well done fellas, looks like a top day. Sorry I couldnt get there busdriver, I did get your your email about 15:15 on sunday, maybe I could have caught you on the way back

Ps. Im sure one of those groupies could have posed with you Dan, and I noticed you left your rear seat on, just in case. Im telling Sonja <i></i>
Excuses, excuses.... I got home at 7am Sunday morning after drinking, playing pool and fighting off the groupies. I was in no state. I'm still feeling shady now. Time to shut the door of my office and have a disco nap methinks! <i></i>
Sun was beaut day for bike was booked with RAM Eng Mon for its's 1st service...1200km up I didn't want to go any further 'til I got that oil out. Rick is very thorough and found a bush missing from the clutch lever, on a near new bike?!

So I didn't even do a Cotter loop in the sunshine.
AND I don't know how to ride a Busa - yet

AND the engine's not run in

AND.... <i></i>

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