Top Gear Australia
Mutha Wrote:Top Gear Australia...... YAWN Icon_rolleyes
SFun_kickingroinNutkickyt1 +1 Very Bad Show
I agree entirely, it is as dull as a JB Camira. Shame as the orig is great. I guess it's often the case when things are copied or covered.

bgaheer Wrote:
Mutha Wrote:Top Gear Australia...... YAWN Icon_rolleyes
SFun_kickingroinNutkickyt1 +1 Very Bad Show
Absolutely awful. So bad, SBS won't start a blog for it. I had to email them through the feedback and complaints tab to make a comment.

Any time now there will be Top Gear UK episodes where Clarkson is completely taking the piss out of it. There will be entire segments ripping it to pieces and little snippets of particularly cringe-worthy moments. The only good thing is we're so far behind with the UK series it'll be ages down the track before we see those episodes... so we'll almost have forgotten it.


Please SBS... shoot it dead now. Don't let it get any worse. Leave us with a small speck of dignity.
I wish they put on the latest uk top gear on telly.
Ratings would go threw the roof.

An whats with aus topgear poofs,
putting the sportsman charger on ' what were they thinking board'
Icon_box_ Wtf

Let me tell you what the what will be the 1st show to go
on the ' what were they thinking board' ....

its so true
Still watching it as I'm a big fan of the U.K version.I'm waiting and begging for at least one thing that hasn't been done on the U.K version.It's as if the producers believe we are so backwards that we havent seen any of the origanals.At least put in aussies as presenters not two pommy gits trying to be aussies.
O.K. Top Gear AUS officialy sux now do yourselfs a favour and download the U.K.'s version the latest series has just started it's on mininova and kicks arse on the AUS version.
jaycbr250 Wrote:O.K. Top Gear AUS officialy sux now do yourselfs a favour and download the U.K.'s version the latest series has just started it's on mininova and kicks arse on the AUS version.

never fly higher than your angel.
cool mate will do that
Just to update mininova is up to season 12 episode 3 of the U.K version it's usually up on a monday and is up weekly hope you all enjoy the real version.Jeremy Clarkson will never take the piss out of the Aus show as he owns the rights or some of them anyway so gets money (as if he needs more)out of it.
Didn't like Top Gear Australia, but i've got tickets to Top Gear IN Australia, the stadium spectacular. Party-smiley-018 (I've got the best wife ever, buying the ticket for me!!Egyptian)

Will be a busy few days, flying to Sydney for the show, then coming straight back to go on the Gin Gin riding weekend back home. Biker Wouldn't give it up for quids though!!!!!
GCBusa Wrote:Didn't like Top Gear Australia, but i've got tickets to Top Gear IN Australia, the stadium spectacular. Party-smiley-018 (I've got the best wife ever, buying the ticket for me!!Egyptian)

Will be a busy few days, flying to Sydney for the show, then coming straight back to go on the Gin Gin riding weekend back home. Biker Wouldn't give it up for quids though!!!!!

Your not a Gin Jockey ?? R. U?

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