16-06-2007, 03:55pm
GCBusa Wrote:Still wearing a pair of boots that I got from a boot maker somewhere in Collingwood when I used to live in Melbourne. Got to be circa 1983 or there abouts. Still comfortable this many years down the track. Have worn various other styles of boot along the way that have not gone the distance but these remain a constant, durable, comfortable and (when given a clean) still good looking and presentable enough to be worn as general footwear.
I've still got a jacket from about the same vintage that I CAN still wear, but only on the rare occasion that it gets cold enough to need a leather. (The joys of NOT living down south as I did previously)
Because it never gets worn, I guess it will last a long while yet?
i reckon that may have been Pationis in Johnston St Collingwood.
He has gone now but was the ants pants in quality shoes for a long long time.
Ps My parents owned a milk bar for 20 yrs next to the Bendigo Hotel just down the raod from there too.