Old or favorite bike item
Whats your favorite bike item or oldest bike item you still use or wear today...
My old RJAYS leather jacket, well worn in.
i reckon my black brandow style leather jacket would have to be 20 yrs old.
Still wear it...people still laugh...
My 1980 vintage kidney belt.

Makes me look slimmer as well.

Busdriver (aka Les)
10YR old Rivet Rainlock "Freeway" wet weather jacket.
Still going strong with about 300,000 kilometres of travel.
It was the only jacket I wore for about 5 years, but have 3 to choose from now.
Still waterproof but faded.
I took the padded liner out the day I bought it and have never had it back in.
I would buy another one tomorrow if I needed one.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Mine has to be my Hayabusa leather riding jacket.

Though the one it replaced - my replica Valentino Rossi jacket - wasn't bad either Very Happy
I used to have a pair of red socks. Till her in doors the minister for war decided that she would throw them out with my favorite t-shirt as both had more holes in them than a.... (something with lots and lots of holes).

Bitchchchchchch ewwww (bless you) thanx Very Happy

yeah i miss those red socks. Ok so in the end they were more like tubes of very thin redish material. It was part of my riding kit and as far as i was concerned as important as my helmet.

Stuff it!!!

every little delinquent should have a ritual thingy or whatever you wanna call it. I'm going shoppin... yep, for red socks. back later.

CapeBusa Wrote:I used to have a pair of red socks. Till her in doors the minister for war decided that she would throw them out with my favorite t-shirt as both had more holes in them than a.... (something with lots and lots of holes).

Bitchchchchchch ewwww (bless you) thanx Very Happy

yeah i miss those red socks. Ok so in the end they were more like tubes of very thin redish material. It was part of my riding kit and as far as i was concerned as important as my helmet.

Stuff it!!!

every little delinquent should have a ritual thingy or whatever you wanna call it. I'm going shoppin... yep, for red socks. back later.


good read...
my current black Dainese's, circa 1982 fark thats a quater of a century and still good, thats daineses for you.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
I have a pair of blue socks i only were riding had since first bike 1984 pluss i love my Sponge grips Lol3
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
BUSA-RO Wrote:I have a pair of blue socks i only were riding had since first bike 1984 pluss i love my Sponge grips Lol3
pls tell us u have washed them since 1984...Ghastly
My old black and yellow striped leathers - circa 1978. They shrunk over time so now my 14 years old son wears them!

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
My fav Black socks. designed to be turned inside out when entertaining the fairer gender and when out riding like an idiot on occasion. Just in case I have to visit the imfirmary. Had them for five years and they are still trucking.
Still wearing a pair of boots that I got from a boot maker somewhere in Collingwood when I used to live in Melbourne. Got to be circa 1983 or there abouts. Still comfortable this many years down the track. Have worn various other styles of boot along the way that have not gone the distance but these remain a constant, durable, comfortable and (when given a clean) still good looking and presentable enough to be worn as general footwear.
I've still got a jacket from about the same vintage that I CAN still wear, but only on the rare occasion that it gets cold enough to need a leather. (The joys of NOT living down south as I did previously)
Because it never gets worn, I guess it will last a long while yet?

pink panty's , the feel of lace on your nuts ''BEAUTIFULL''
pink pantys 4 every one .see you in hell bitches

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