Eastern Creek
To bad Simmo, anyhow your bike only goes in a straight line. Maybe the superglue on the head bearing is the cause?? Cheers,
I'm booked for O/P Pan. Cheers,
Good on ya Ray.

We're installing the Elka tomorrow, so it'll be good to have you at OP for settings/advice too
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Hi Ray and Stu...

3 sleeps to go...

Hey fellas, check your credit card statements as it appears the Circuitbreakers guy has been charging extra and sometimes twice for the track day, according to the Ozsportsbikes website.

I checked my CC statement and instead of $109.90, I was charged $129.90... TWICE!!!!

I have sent and email via the web page asking for a call with an explanation, as well as a refund of $149.90 within 5 working days. I WILL be initiating legal action if nothing happens, as it appears this guy does this to lots of people!
"sometimes crime does pay"<i>Edited by: pan&nbsp; at: 5/7/06 6:37 am
Well, we will just punch him out Pan that should bring some of his memeory back I hope. Cheers,
One sleep to go!!!

What time are you getting there Ray? About 8am?

"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Yeh Pan around that time 8-8.30 when are u leaving . Cheers,
Leaving Marrickville just after 7am Ray.
Should take 45 minutes down the M5 from here...

Website says Group A [you fast blokes] kick off at 8:30, so you may need to check in earlier if you want to go on first time...

Don't forget to bring lunch, water and fill up in Camden. They do have fuel on track but it's hellishly expensive. Gas station is about 5 minutes away... <i></i>
Brilliant day!

Good catching up with Kawa and all the Ozsportsbikes crew.

The new shock rocks! Felt much better around corners, more confidence accelerating out of corners, less wobbles going fast into corners!

Pics on the way in the pics threads...
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>

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