A reporter for a New Zealand newspaper was running out of idea's to fill the paper, so he set off to find a story.

Entering a pub, he looks around, and see's a maori bloke sitting at the bar drinking alone.

"Hey mate, I'm from the local newspaper and I am just out looking for a good story for my paper. Would you happen to have a good, happy story for me?"

The maori bloke thinks.....

"Yeah bro...I have a story...this one time my mate lost one of his sheep, so we all put together a big search team and went out to find it. When we found it, we all took turns shagging it! It was choice bro!"

"I can't put that in my paper about having sex with a sheep! Have you got another story?"

Again the maori thinks... "Yeah bro, yeah I have another one! This one time my mate lost his wife out in the woods, so we put together a big search party, and when we found her we all took turns shagging her! It was choice bro!"

"C'mon mate I can't publish that! How about a sad story then?"

The maori thinks...."Yeah bro, this one time...I got lost..."

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