20-03-2009, 07:54pm
If you have a dyno nearby,get them to do a pull in second gear and then a pull in 3rd gear with and without the tre.If you want it for the drags see if it makes a difference at 100% throttle,if you want it for the street,do a power run at 5,10,20% throttle with and without the tre fitted and you,ll have your answer beyond your arseometer.I did a 2,5,10% throttle run on my gen1 with and without a tre and on the gen1 and it made a definate improvement up to 10% throttle over that was the same for power.Something like a sb6 or perhaps a dynojet ignition module may be able to show you actual ignition timing swapping the tre in and out will tell you if it does more than just leave the flies shut.