Hayabusa Hauler
I've been silent for months. Partly because I decided to get a Ute for the Busa when I do drags or track stuff. Like everything, started off simple, ie bit of patching here and there, and ended up bare metal rebuild! Story too long to tell, but bought it in Sydney and trucked it back to WA, so that was the first major cost over run. Would have been more costly except for Blackzook's help!
I stuck some photos on it, but they don't appear! How come?
Are you adding them to the site, or just linking to them from online storage?

If adding them to the site, I've found that the site simply won't add your photos using the built in attachments facility if the photos have a large file size. It will appear to add them when you select the file, but they won't appear in the results. There are a variety of ways to reduce the file size of your photos using the utilities in Windows. I find that photos around 300kb seem to work fairly well.

Alternatively, you can create a photobucket account, or similar, which allows you to host your photos on the internet, and link to them remotely from the forum. That way, the forum doesn't have to store your photo - it just displays it even though it is stored at another location. There is an icon in the "advanced" editor on this forum that looks like a picture of a mountain with the sun above it. You can press it and enter the address of your remotely stored picture and it takes care of embedding it in your post
Licence Back!
Cool, I'll stick 'em in photobucket. Ta

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