Lifted this from the MCC NSW website:

b. As from 1st March new noise regulations took effect. There is no longer a 5Db tolerance, the new noise levels are 94 Db. Labels are not required on exhaust pipes, but a sticker is required from the manufacturer stating the noise rating. However, motor cycles manufactured prior to 1 March 1984 may be rated up to 104 Db. The police and RTA officers will be using mobile meters to test noise levels. Fines are as follows, less than 6 DB $200, more than 15 Db $500, more than 30 Db the fine is very large. An officer may issue a fine to a rider if the officer thinks the exhaust looks loud.
c. Testing stations will be rolled out within NSW over the next couple of years.
d. If a rider is fined and fails to correct the noise level of the bike and is pulled over again, then that rider will incur a very large fine.

Ps. I have heard from MCC delegate that "very large fine" is in the region of $1500 to $2000.

Cheers Ruffy
Legislation here is getting outta control, not just with regard to veh, but every walk of life, and the vast majority of it is backdoor taxation. It doesn't seem to make any difference either who you vote for if your not happy as the next lot of pollies are just as bad as the last. There will come a day where there will be nothing you can do without being either fined or taxed. It's not too far to stretch the imagination to see the world turning into some sort of Madmax world where you have to fight for fuel and scavenge to live because the world is running out of resources. Oil is gonna be all but gone in the next 50 yrs, cant produce enough food anymore to sustain the world population as it redirects its production to biofuels. When the Asian continent runs out of rice its gonna be marching this way I reckon (metaphorically speaking) and theres too many of them to fight off. China has over 20% of the world population. I think India China and the USA are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels, when it runs dry what do ya reckons gonna happen? USA with it's nukes and the Chinese and Indians with their billions of people to throw into a war. We'll wipe each other out over energy and fuel. Glad I wont be around to see it hopefully. The world is screwed and its gonna give itself an almighty enema eventually as it always has, to clean itself out and start again. Just my opinion
Ruffy Wrote:An officer may issue a fine to a rider if the officer thinks the exhaust looks loud.

Have officers had their eyes calibrated to detect loud looking pipes?
Fuggin hilarious and sad all at the same time. Another example of the vocal minority getting their way because the silent majority is too slack to say enough is enough.
The sticker on my standard busa 2002 says the emission levels are 94.5db at 4500rpm so it's illegal in its standard form according to that.
state vs federal law, federal law over rides state law & that holds in court ;) remember that
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
Yeah & Harley's are exempt right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
simmo Wrote:Yeah & Harley's are exempt right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

You've got it wrong Simmo, Hardleys aren't classified as motorcycles, they're classified as "Farm Machinery"Roll

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Pommie Wrote:The sticker on my standard busa 2002 says the emission levels are 94.5db at 4500rpm so it's illegal in its standard form according to that.

Thats a good point, how is this supposed to work when a stock bike cant pass the test?
Madmax Wrote:You've got it wrong Simmo, Hardleys aren't classified as motorcycles, they're classified as "Farm Machinery"Roll


Yep Harley Ferguson.
Trains are f****d
Hospitals are f****d
Roads are f****d

And this is the shit they spend their time on.

Politicians and their advisors are all f****d

Busdriver (aka Les)
Nice spell checker. It's f****d

Busdriver (aka Les)
My louder pipes actually get car drivers to look over their shoulder before moving into my lane.

Well we can't have car drivers taking their eyes of their speedo now can we.

May as well go and shoot myself long as the gun has a silencer....'cause it'd be too friggin noisey.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Well i have sent A letter of complaint regarding all the traffic laws to the opposition here in NSW .If we all start sending a letter we just might get noticed and they just might think there is enough votes out there. Now if we all do as Bruce quoted sit back and farking winge and not do anything WELL u deserve what u get off the carnts.
Pommie Wrote:The sticker on my standard busa 2002 says the emission levels are 94.5db at 4500rpm so it's illegal in its standard form according to that.

My 2007 has 94db @4900 rpm , so it would be right on the limit in NSW from the factory Confused

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