Major service?
Ok, so im ready to fork out some cash. 1 question..
Does the busa need a major service @ 24/25k's?
What needs done and how much?
Valve clearances are due to be looked at and adjusted if nessecary at 24,000 ks. Plugs will also be due for replacement according to the manual.

when I put mine in for it's 24,000 service, I think it cost me about $260.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Thanks, that makes it a bit easier to put my hands in my pocket..
You should be thinking also about some chasis maintenance.
Like fork oil, wheel bearings, steering damper refill etc.
The shim check is often a waste of time because they rarely need any adjustment.
However, a compression test is a good idea I reckon.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
74 thou here and havent checked my shims yet.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
check shims - had some done @ 24,000km... set done @ 65,000km... don't ride too hard do ya volvi?? :)
[Image: nocensorship.gif]

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