Help Any Ideas Loosing Charge
Hi folks havn,t posted in a while just wondering if any one can help

i have a 99 with a brand new battery, if i ride it its fine but if i leave it for 2 or 3 days no charge have had battery and charge system checked all ok so any help would be great

cheer bickoFatman
Any aftermarket electrics ?
I got a brand new Yuasa from Batteryworld 2 years ago and they cooked it before putting it in the bike.
It did what yours is doing.
They eventually refunded my money after taking it away for a 3 day benchtest.
(I got a Roadstar for $79 from the Slowzuki dealer while I waited).

The guys at batteryworld had put the Yuasa on a car charger overnight instead of a low trickle for 4 hours.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Yup... I had a similar experience to Busgo... the supplier fried it while charging it. I got a refund as well. Might be the answer for you too.
cheers guys no Maj no aftermarket electrics

fried battery possibly although at this stage they are saying no to that problem however I may have to hassel them sum

cheers again Fatman
Disconnect it and see if it still looses charge.
thanks guys it was the batteyr after all replaced all good

Clap Fatman:

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