Were is the edit button?
I need the edit button..

Jindy Loop

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch." Ghastly
+3,4,5 & 6 Coolrasta
Use spellcheck
Think carefully
No editing required

I know on a previous board I have admined, there was the option for editting for 10 minutes after original post. Is this possible? I know I will miss it too, purely for grammar and spelling.
slowandsteady Wrote:Use spellcheck
Think carefully
No editing required

Editing is required in some situations, like when plans change...


# on track days, pricing, contact details, lists of people going, etc...
# on coffee meetings or spannering days, listing times to meet and places to meet change to what may suit most people
# when hot-linked photos change address
# when you don't have time to think carefully and need to amend details posted (not just insults, but important contacts, etc)
# prices of goods when selling stuff... or updating what is sold and what is not...

I'm sure there are more examples...

Sometimes (like I've done today on a track day thread) we can enter new information at the end of a thread, but often people will click on it and read the first entry only, rather than flick through several pages... and they may miss some important info or updates

Of several boards I log on to intermittently, this is the only one that won't allow edits! Confused

Although I agree with most of the changes recently initiated on the board, I don't think this one was a well thought-out decision Pi_thumbsdown
Just stirring pan!
I'm the worst for typos!
as stated above, some of the boards i'm a member of have a 1/2hr option, then it's off to the admins if you want to change.
I can understand the reasons why this has been implemented, and I'm sure if we all behave , it's something that can be changed back to the way it was before.
yeah editing button definitely needed ..... sucks without it
(Townsville, QLD)

www.stickersuperstore.com.au (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
I see that this could be a bit of a problem it was put in place to make people think b4 typing but i for one like to be able to edit my posts as i have shocking bad spelling and gramer and no Rocket to pick it up for me God bless him
I will put it to boss to see what we can do Pi_thumbsup
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
I hear you guys. But its very much open to abuse. Say in first post someone slags another or makes a blatant false accusation or lies. Posts that follow responds to allegations, flames or lies, only to eventually find the offending comments were edited out or tampered with making respondents look like idiots, ie making the respondents replies all lies and false, coz there were no such allegations made in the first post, well at least after editing it.

Now I realise most posters have genuine use for editing. But for example if you go through most of my posts they are rarely edited, because before I post "I THINK", if its inflammatory I might even sit on it a while before responding ie do I still want to reply as I did when it got me heated up. If a lengthy response I usually check it first then preview it, only once Im satisfied with my reply I post it. Im sure there maybe typos every now and then but theyre quite ackceeeptable after a while. We no not all have good speeling here. Its ok.

But I guess the most important feature without edit, it should make the 'hotheads' take a few breaths before replying when they know they cant change it. That is more the reason. On Ezyboard the edit function was dissalowed the whole time we were there of 6 years or so.

However after having said all that allow me to review the matter in due course if patterns of behaviour change for the better. I dont know if it can just be allowed for certain "behaved" individuals, I will look into it.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
But with the extra Administrators here now can't you just nip it in the butt Action-smiley-083
It shall be reviewed in the new year simmo, I plomise! haha
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
simmo Wrote:But with the extra Administrators here now can't you just nip it in the butt Action-smiley-083

What extra admins Busgo & Heidi have joined but Volvi is taking a back seat Dj has gone and Richard has not been on the forum for months so realy we are one down ATM
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
BUSA-RO Wrote:
simmo Wrote:But with the extra Administrators here now can't you just nip it in the butt Action-smiley-083

What extra admins Busgo & Heidi have joined but Volvi is taking a back seat Dj has gone and Richard has not been on the forum for months so realy we are one down ATM

Im working on getting DJ back though he probably will not want to be an admin, but I want him back as our officially overworked, most abused, most underpaid and unappreciated Webmaster on the net. Do you think he will bite? ............... YO DJ, have I got an offer for you!

PS. Richard is overseas.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.

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