what wrong with site ????
is any one else having trouble with the site all my settings are gone have no boarders or anything just plain screen with the headings and writing on it .. can not log out..says bad request... icons do not work ..
spanner spinner Wrote:is any one else having trouble with the site all my settings are gone have no boarders or anything just plain screen with the headings and writing on it .. can not log out..says bad request... icons do not work ..

Could be mechanx he may have conteminated the web page.
No its working for me Shane you might want to try turning if of and on again maybe.
spanner spinner Wrote:is any one else having trouble with the site all my settings are gone have no boarders or anything just plain screen with the headings and writing on it .. can not log out..says bad request... icons do not work ..

Try standing on one leg and whistling dixie. ??
Dunno, it's all OK at this end.
I thought it was always supposed to look like that ???
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
spanner spinner Wrote:is any one else having trouble with the site all my settings are gone have no boarders or anything just plain screen with the headings and writing on it .. can not log out..says bad request... icons do not work ..

Try deleting ya cookies
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
its some kinda setting - my house mate hit it the other day by mistake but couldn't remember what he hit :( managed to fix it by just doing a page refresh tho
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
try different web browsers? firefox, IE , safari , see if you get the same rsults?
BUSA-RO Wrote:
spanner spinner Wrote:is any one else having trouble with the site all my settings are gone have no boarders or anything just plain screen with the headings and writing on it .. can not log out..says bad request... icons do not work ..

Try deleting ya cookies

Should I get rid of the warm milk with my cookies????Ghastly
Ward P Wrote:
spanner spinner Wrote:is any one else having trouble with the site all my settings are gone have no boarders or anything just plain screen with the headings and writing on it .. can not log out..says bad request... icons do not work ..

Try standing on one leg and whistling dixie. ??
Dunno, it's all OK at this end.
I thought it was always supposed to look like that ???

Regards Richard.....

Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.

[Image: l_b8cd83806072859a2e37a2a757a8eb9a.jpg]

Things wrong with this site..

It is full of smart arse, know it alls like me....

and biggotted freaks like some other members who I won't mention....

There are not enough female members to balance the hormones....

There are too many lurkers who are happy to accept our bad advice but not offer any of their own.

There are not enough pictures of females without the correct safety clothing fitted..

It is too easy to insult others by just having a laugh....

(That should be enough things wrong to be going on with).
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
thank you all the cookies caused it
works ok for me i think it is only f****d for the 08 riders hehe
good on you .. when is the next ride.. speed limit rideBiker
spanner spinner Wrote:good on you .. when is the next ride.. speed limit rideBiker

There was one this morning with Shane http://www.australian-hayabusa-club.com/...p?tid=8649 but looks like you should be posting in his other thread of excuses http://www.australian-hayabusa-club.com/...p?tid=8657 or you could attempt to bring it out on the 13 of Dec for our final meet up of the year http://www.australian-hayabusa-club.com/...p?tid=1038&page=last
no excuses only have 500ks on bike ..also did not know ride today.. even worse i had to work..

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