AMCN 08 test
The latest AMCN has a good test on the 08 Busa.
Yep, even though I have paid a deposit on one, was really looking forward to an Aussie review to seal the deal.

194hp at the crank, and quoted by Suzuki to expect a 5% up in power due to ram air effect...puts her about 204hp full flight Very Happy
Not a bad article, if only very similar to the Motorcycle USA one.
I think it is a good suggestion for us !!!!!!

From AMCN 08 test I also impressed ...
Thank You
man it sucks here i can't get any of my favourite mags anymore i'm dying without rapid and AMCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where's here Bigfoot? Queensland?
i'm in the Navy base at victoria bloody sucks i'm dying without rapid and i've been on the website and there featuring a busa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Victoria Australia? Or Victoria South Africa?

You're not at the three headed dog are ya? I would have thought they'd let you have access to a newsagent there!

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