Coming to Sydney
I am heading your way fellas. Apparently the army is dumb and desperate enough to whack me on the CSM course. I will be out at Moorebank from 13 - 28 Oct. I want to get out and see some of the lads over that time if I can. The intent is to ride up but I have to ask permission like a five year old.
Bugger you will be leaving about a week before I get back.

Have fun mate and we will catch up next time.
You got it bro. I see I am as popular as a turd sandwich in NSW. lol.
GlenTC Wrote:I am heading your way fellas. Apparently the army is dumb and desperate enough to whack me on the CSM course. I will be out at Moorebank from 13 - 28 Oct. I want to get out and see some of the lads over that time if I can. The intent is to ride up but I have to ask permission like a five year old.

CSM asking? Confused

Just yell, scream, swear and carry-on, then walk out looking disgusted! Very Happy

Oh, and book in the 17th and 24th of October in the evening (5pm onwards) for the drags at WSID...
CSM = old guy who smells funny and is out of touch with reality. I'm almost fully qualified. You know the sort. Starts a fight in a local niteclub generally referred to by the sharper punters as Jurassic park. Faded tattoos from some back street Thai HEP B factory. Generally retires to become king shit of shopping trolley collection. Well, thats the dream at least.
hey at least you get to carry stick! or is that not untill RSM?

There are a couple of types. I have had a little stick for a few years now. The RSM has a big bloody stick. The sticks are for doing different things.

I almost forgot the best thing about CSM. I get drunk constantly, turn up to work reaking of my own home brewed mead that I swear is better than chivas but actually tastes like kero thats been siphoned through a prison gym sock.
GlenTC Wrote:I get drunk constantly, turn up to work reaking of my own home brewed mead that I swear is better than chivas but actually tastes like kero thats been siphoned through a prison gym sock.

Sounds like you need a new still Glen.
Try this dude,

He's in Geelong.
ha. I look enough like a Clampett already without making my own shine.
GlenTC Wrote:ha. I look enough like a Clampett already without making my own shine.

Are the Green machine giving you transport or are you bringing your own Glen?

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I think I will do my own thing. Thats the plan at least. May as well go for a nice ride while the opportunity is there.
GlenTC Wrote:I think I will do my own thing. Thats the plan at least. May as well go for a nice ride while the opportunity is there.

I did a TT in Perth a few years ago. I ended up renting a bike because i was going stir crazy not having any wheels.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Madmax Wrote:[quote=GlenTC]
I think I will do my own thing. Thats the plan at least. May as well go for a nice ride while the opportunity is there.

Mind you, the Sand Gropers were by far and away the worst drivers I have every come across.Egyptian

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Around here they work in MP/H. Prob is that their cars don't. 60 in a 100 zone. constantly. Even Zoey bitches about it and she isn't exactly lowndes herself.
GlenTC Wrote:Around here they work in MP/H. Prob is that their cars don't. 60 in a 100 zone. constantly. Even Zoey bitches about it and she isn't exactly lowndes herself.

Not a bite from the Sand Gropers!Popcorn

You guys must be out riding while we're sitting here working.Very Happy

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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