Vic club ride Sunday, 30 October
Well, here we go. Can I get a show of hands as to who will be avaliable for this ride.... Doesn't have to be rock solid, as the the ride will happen rain, hail or shine and regardless of how many attend.
I have worked out a route for the morning and a place to stop for lunch. Then we could improvise on alternate routes for the way home. Thought about heading out from Sunbury Maccas at about 9.30 am ish, as this seems to be somewhere that everyone is familiar with.
I would be fantastic to have a big contingent of Busa's there but hey, bring any bike you like. Exept you , no c90's please!!
Should be fun, let's dust off the bikes and get out there Cheers,
Enough talking, Let's ride !!<i>Edited by: Bazoomatic at: 22/10/05 5:16 pm
yep Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
OK <i></i>
Hmmmm,still a couple of weeks too early for me,but i will be at the following one for sure. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Lookin good guys, so far
Looks like
Sorry for the timing , but I thought we might as well give it a crack and see what happens. Cheers,
Enough talking, Let's ride !!<i></i>
I'll be riding!

Too work!

Hope the day goes well.


If you guys are interested in hooking up with a few others at the GOR please let us know here.
I'm hooking up with that one, sounds like a lot more going...
Same day Sun leaving from Belmont Mobil Servo at 8am...
sorry to be a pain.... Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
What are your thoughts Rev ? What would you prefer?
Doesn't bother me one way or the other. Been to GOR more times than I can remember. GOR is more a Harley run nowadays, too much traffic, more speed limits, pretty boring really, just like the run to PI. You're easy meat for too, plus EPA wankers

If you go down with bulk radar bait & eager beavers it makes things a lot easier

But hey, I can sit on the limit

Oh yeah don't forget you owe Bigshow a feed from 2 years ago down there

I'm square with him <i></i>
Just had a look at the route planner, and I don't fancy getting up at 6 to be in Belmont by 8. I'll give that one a miss, and stick to the little ride in the hills.
Your call Rev, no problems either way. Cheers,
Enough talking, Let's ride !!<i></i>
Yeah OK. 0930 hours Macca's for all comers & take it from there. <i></i>
20 days to go,woooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo,then look out all you busa wobblers,ha! Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
How could I forget

Still got some pics of that day too!

Bigshow in front of the beauty salon.

Gotta go through my archives for that shot! It's a pisser!

Bigshow is still lurking the board. Okay my shout. When? Where?

As for the G.O.R. 120 klm ride "before" thing even start to get interesting? How does one say "stick it up your arse without offending"??? (Seriously)

The offending pic below...

Before the bling...............

Cheers, Riding not Talking

Ha ! memories ! the old red rat busa with the shitty polished rims

Wish I still had it, perfect for Jindy weather, even with quote: "suicide tyres"

It's gonna piss down, ya know that don't ya ? They don't call the road up there the Alpine Way for nothing

Busa wobblers Rocket ? could be the odd one or fifty

You riding that refugee from the wreckers yard ?
Why not be totally radical & bring the TankSlap ?
TransAlp.....Alpine Way.... has a certain ring to it <i>Edited by: rev 01 at: 25/10/05 11:04 pm
good pics Gdy...much clearer when resized... Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>

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