What's your favourite beer?
I thought it would be great to have a new thread to switch focus - something that we can all (hopefully) get into and agree to disagree without it turning too serious.

So what better than a question about beer - something I'm sure many of us enjoy (and enjoy a bit too much I'm sure) BeerBeerBeerFatmanPi_thumbsup

Just for the record my three favourites are:

1. Emu Export (the W.A. guys will be familiar with this one I'm sure - in fact the first thing I do when I'm over in Perth visiting the family these days is go to the pub for this very fact lol).

2. VB (the quintessential Aussie beer).

3. Pure Blonde (because that's all my mates seem to drink it these days and when you drink enough of something - because they're the ones buying the slab Lol2 - you get a taste for it.

Let us know what you think - perhaps you can recommend a beer I've never seen and heard that I/we can all try, as I'm fairly new to this drinking caper compared to a lot of you guys and am always open to trying something new.
I wont take offence to your remark that i am more experienced/wiser when it comes to the consumption of beer. (hic-up, Beer glug glug, 'say what?')

Best beer to drink!!!!!

COLD beer. Not the brand, the temperature.

Was that too subtle???


PS that Japaneese beer, Kirin, that's pretty ok in my book.

I can recommend one - Lucky beer! The bottle is even in the shape of a fat little buddha. At $5 a bottle though, you'd better hope your wallet's as chubby as his chortling little face.
G'day all, haven't posted for quite sometime but I always drop in daily for a read.

Boags beer is my favorite. Born and breed in northern Tassie so I consider it to be mothers milk and the international awards received back me up on this one.

Cheers for now, Rich
Anything cold and wet.......... Doesn't even have to be too cold, I'll drink em hot in winter if I have too.
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
I can tell you the worst beer to touch and that is Rolling Rock American shitPi_thumbsdown
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Let's see,
I drink
VB, Tooheys NEW or OLD, Cascade Premium Light, Hahn Light, XXXX Gold, BOAGs St George, and if I'm at my favourite restaurent, any one of the 15 or so Belgian Beers that they stock. They are great and full of flavour.

But I prefer a good scotch on the rocks.
I don't have a drinking problem, I just drink a variety in small doses.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
My favorites are.Fatman
Boags, then Corona, then Crownies, then Heineken, then Beck's, then Toohey's Pils, then Carlton Cold, then stollies, then Black Sambucca's, then a double espresso, then bed. Fatman
never fly higher than your angel.
Damn i don't even like beer Embarassed
but i love BeamClap
There is only one bad beer and that is the one you can't get!
Toohey's Extra Dry with Southern & Coke chasers
VB when in Oz, Heineken when in Europe, Singha when in..............?
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Volvi Wrote:VB when in Oz, Heineken when in Europe, Singha when in..............?

Gotta love that SINGHA

Just returned from Thailand


Live life like it's the 2 minute warning
My Way is the Highway
When life throws you a curve..lean into it


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