Was riding home from the drags tonight, in a good mood because, well because i was riding. Most nights i take the same rout home which takes me through a small roundabout.... Tonight i decided to go a different way, the trip still took me through the same round about but insted of going straight through it at about 40ish i turned right around it at about 10. Anyway as i came around the round about i saw a strange glint across the road i was turning in to at about neck hight. I ignored it untill i was about a meter away from it when i relised it was a decent thickness rope tied across the the road at neck hight. Slamed on the breaks and pulled up just before it decapated me. Decided i would do the right thing and pull this thing down. Couldnt break the roap or cut it with my keys, whent to untie it and saw some teenage guy (in a tight pink shirt and tight jeans FAG) crouched in the bushes laughing about the whole thing, after sever very stern words he decided that it was a bad idea and removed the contraption. Keep in mind if i had gone the way home i go 90% of the time i woulda hit this rope with my neck at about 40-50k's.... I think that idiot should consider himself lucky it was me that found him and not another rider who probably woulda kicked his face in.... Great there goes my good mood from the races.... BASTARD....
What would have you done in this situation?....
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Just imagine, if you had kicked that kid till he was dead, you would get in trouble. The world has gone crazy. I would have beaten him to death with his own rope.
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
Give the little bastid a good hiding.
Fark this "Spare the Rod and Spoil the child" crap.
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You already had a rope... was there a tree nearby?
i would have dropped the bike at the rope, and proceeded to kick the crap out of the kid.
you could basically be DEAD because of that rope.
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SHOULD OF kicked his face in
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1st belted the prick, then stripped him and hog tied him to the closest pole with his rope, then rang the cops maybe
Fark...yer no way I would have let that slide...what the fark was the little bastard thinking. When someone puts your life in danger like that there is no way I would let that slide.
Definately should have belted him, trying to reason with sick farkers like that doesn't seem to work, give him a few stiff jabs then kick his head in while he is on the ground. Regardless, I would have definately called the cops. Atleast gotten his details. What if he does the same thing again tomorrow?
Just don't know what the fark this world is coming too
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Naaah.........you blokes on your fast noisey bikes are the real criminals here......not some law abing cit who just tries to lop your head off to fill in time
You MUST BE all criminals by virtue of the fact of the huge sums of money they have invested in infastructure to hunt you all down & get you off "their" roads That dude would have got a medal for taking you out !!
For what it's worth: I know a bloke who caught someone spraying graffitti on his nice brick fence & gave him a flogging for it. The floggee whined to the cops & the flogger was charged with assault.
Floggee escaped with a "caution"
Never ride the A model of anything.
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KILL HIM!!!!! or a the very least remove his testicles so dumbshits like that cant breed. ive always maintained if you need license for a car or bike you shoul need a license to breed
KIll him, but only once!
Listen seriously if he was only a kid it wouldnt of been too hard to keep him there get the cops and make them aware.
I am sure he thought it was a joke but that is serious shit.
At the least if he was under age his folks should have been told by the police.
Baaaad scary story that one.