25-07-2007, 05:10pm
Gday all first of all ive gotta say bloody great website
Im Shayne, live at Nerang QLD, 41yo, 3 kids, Work for Riviera as a laminator. Own a brand spankin new 07 Busa red ( well i will on friday arvo when i pick it up) I own a couple of other bikes, a 90 GSXR 750 pig ugly matt black streetfighter, a 1370cc 89 GSXR 1100 Dragbike, a 81 GSX efe bodied Dragbike with a GSXR 1052 engine, im Suzuki all the way through. I do a bit of drag racing at Willowbank and know a few of you through there. I also have my own website www.dragbike.com.au and you are all welcome to join up if you have an interest in dragbikes. Anyway hopefully ill catch up with a few of you in the future on my new red Busa
Cheers Shayne

Cheers Shayne