Looking for Bruce
Hi all - anyone got a number for Bruce? Want to do a story on his turbo 'Busa - please PM me or email editor@rapidbikes.com.au


Jeff, I have sent him an email with yours included.
my mate Hewie's R1 was on the cover recently - noice ride and write up btw

[Image: 6814.gif?type=sigpic&dateline=1248914735]
found him!
Very Happy
[Image: Bruce%20Lee%20-%20Alive.jpg]

Maybe not.
I'm sure he'll pop up soon.
He lurks in here all the time.
he is easy to spot! big tall grumpy looking man until you put a baby possum in his hands then you can see the gruff extrior melt awayRoll

checkin the free accomodtion and generous offers thead under the non bike related i think i remember he posted up his number and email i think

It's all good.
Bruce can be found playing with alcohol somewhere on the number I have provided.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Both Bruce and his bike are on the other side of the world at the moment, scoring in the mineral boom. May have to wait a bit.
Found his bike at the bike show down Collie on the weekend but no Bruce


Live life like it's the 2 minute warning
My Way is the Highway
When life throws you a curve..lean into it

sorry about the mixup before.
I am absolutely sure I have found him now..

[Image: bruce2.jpg]
sincerest applogies for that last stupid post.
I don't know how I could have confused him with good old Bruce...

[Image: image2745381.jpg]
Pete, seriously, way too much time on your hands mateBoobies4
Arr thanks guys I think???

Spoke to Geoff, bike will be in his mag when it's finished.

Just got to paint the tail piece, gold plate some bits, fit the new billet parts, fit the HID conversion to the headlights, finish the latest secret mod and she's good to go.
You're never going to stop tinkering with that thing, you'll go blind first!
BLACKZOOK Wrote:Arr thanks guys I think???

Spoke to Geoff, bike will be in his mag when it's finished.

Just got to paint the tail piece, gold plate some bits, fit the new billet parts, fit the HID conversion to the headlights, finish the latest secret mod and she's good to go.

What about the sticker man, you've gotta have the sticker for admission into the hall of fame!!!! There are two letters, the first is between R and T, the second between Q and S. And you dont have to be a pro to figure this out.

BTW Awesome party at your place last weekend was a hoot. Will let you know when we take the toilet off the front lawn.Lol2Lol2Lol2
You bastard.Pi_tongue

I dont believe you Mark wouldnt allow it - I hope.Embarassed

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