15-04-2007, 09:48pm
Well I'm off for W.A again for another 6 months at the end of April and thought a good old piss up is in order
. I was thinking next Saturday at say 3-4-5pm starting with a BBQ
at my place with a few quiet ales and kicking on to wherever afterwards might be fun
I'll put on the food so bring your own piss, plenty of spare beds and or floor space for those who give it a nudge
Either post up here or give me a call on 0400 697 254 if you can make it to give me an idea of numbers
ALL welcome.

I'll put on the food so bring your own piss, plenty of spare beds and or floor space for those who give it a nudge

Either post up here or give me a call on 0400 697 254 if you can make it to give me an idea of numbers

ALL welcome.