W.A. "A state of depression"
G'day Cahns & Cahnettes,
Thought I would drop in to say @#%& it !!
All round depression over here in WA at the moment. No Eastern States teams for the ARRC are coming to WA anymore. The one thing I had to look forward to each year NOW GONE. The state of Road Racing in the premier class in Australia SUCKS big time. Why can't the ruling body offer double points or similar for the teams to attend every round?. Then the Headline on Saturday's West Australian 19th May 01
"DOUBLE DEMERIT POINTS" to bring us in line with other states on long weekends etc.
Jeezzzz I think I'll move to Tassie !!!!!
Later Cahns
jeez old cahn ya forgot to mention the weather being Crap as well
I hope we arn`t turning into Melbourne


oops that could get me in trouble!!!!!
Well Ol Cahn, you can still look forward to Victorian
AFL teams flyin over to whup yo asses boy !

Go Doggies !!!!!!!! Yeah , who let the Dogs out !!
who, who who who ? (Plough I guess)
Talking of crap weather (and horns, as per another thread) I bloody needed a fog horn to get into work. Seriously considering petitioning management here to put a lighthouse out in the street so we could all find our way in. Thick as pea soup.

ANd re the "crap" weather in WA, "Aw diddums, did it not get over 25 degrees one day". My in-laws live in Perth and they moan if they get 5 minutes of drizzle in a week.
Never minds guys - there's always Sydney ;)
It`s really bad over here at the moment one day last week I had to wear a jumper and long pants instead of shorts and tee shirt
and I could not ride my Busa coz there was puddles on the road
you don`t know what we suffer over here !!
oh well back to the pina colada and the sundeck I gotta work on my suntan

Will be over in June. Hope your weather improves by then.
June?.........you couldn't of picked a worse month !!! It usually pisses down. But you should be used to that.....eh?
Visiting in-laws, appropriate if the weather is miserable
If you need an escape while you are in WA, give me a call and we can have a beer somewhere.
My mobile No. 0402 888 564


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