New web site and webmaster?
As Peter Lee is due to leave and may not be able to host our club site much further. I am calling for volunteers that may wish to host the clubs site, not sure at this stage whether a totally new address is required, but in order to be prepared I am putting this matter on the board, so people who are interested please put your name forward.

This is open to any member who has webmaster experience. I alas am no webmaster, but Fox and Richard seem to be.

Please post your ideas and suggestions.
.... I have the experience - not sure abaout the time ... If we have to move it etc no problemo - We could register something like also ..... let me know
Like the idea of getting our own dot com address, (or perhaps a .org?) Don't mind maintaining, but would need to get a copy of a decent package, and hopefully the current source so I don't have to rewrite. ASm very open to letting someone else do it, if they have the time, or maybe joint administering (Fox??)
I've got the time but I'm a nuffy when it comes to computers!
Not sure I really understood your last post Richard, I suggest that perhaps you and Fox liase with PL and see whats happening and suggest what needs to be done.
I think Richard is saying he will look after the boards and I will look after the site .... I'll email PL and see what he's up 2.

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