Boycotting Mobil
I just saw a flier that said Mobil is going to use shale oil. Apparently it has double the greenhouse pollution and it has other nasties in it and the production makes the locals sick. BP, Caltex and Shell have stated they wont buy it. We'll im off Mobil 8000 and will switch to BP ultimate. Actually the last few tankfulls of Mobile have felt a bit weak and my last fill was BP (did this before i saw this flier) and the bike felt stronger.

Falcon Rider

Btw the flier was from the greenpeace website.

Read this just after I made my last post

You should buy an electric scooter if your that concerned about oil pollution. I wouldnt believe everything the greenies say. Theres a lot more dangerous stuff floating around in Gladstone than shale oil. I think the greenies dont like it cause they opencut mine it.
Yes l'm with you Bee,
He should get a freaking push bike if is that concerned.
Had no problems with Mobil 8000.
You guys honestly notice that much difference in fuels while you are riding?

I must be spending to much time looking at the scenery, buggered if I can notice any difference. Did notice when my tyre went flat though!
Mayte if you that concerned, ride a pushie,
Greenies, HA, mostly a crock of shit what they spin, all about politics and Money.
Greenhouse, Global warming, Ozone Layer HA!!

Look at the history of the earth, Its climate is ever changing!

Freaking greenies!


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