this has been extracted as it was causing hassels on site if you have read it well you know what was posted if you didnt well sucked in you should have Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The RestEdited by: Xhiler8r at: 21/11/05 7:33 pm
I don't care much for how it looks. I just like shiny bits because they have less wind resistance, and they tear through the wind allowing me to accelerate faster.
well if ya gonna get technical Pan I reckon for everything that we get polished the bike has to lose weight cause technically we aren't chroming and adding weight are we so the more polished bits we have we should go faster Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest
Obviously they only wantrd me for my good looks women are sooo shallow, it was pathetic really to see them like that. Lucky you couldnt see their hands I felt so cheapened by their behaviour although the guy in the background seemed amused. Bruce
See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Geez mate hope ya gonna press charges there is just no need in todays society for that sort of behavier you know equal rights and all Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest
Bill you bite so easy.
Why don't you post a link to the forum so others can see that you have just taken that straight out of context.
What they will see is that another regular poster on that forum who also likes to shit stir, wrote that he would rather spend money on bling, I then replied with pretty much what you have just posted.
While I like what you guys do to your bikes in the way of doing them up, it ain't my thing, and Bill, I think that every guy who has seen how scratched and beaten up my bike is would agree.
I should have know better - a seedy old 9 foot tall anorexic in dirty jeans and KT26's drives em wild every time. What was I thinking, asking for trouble. Bruce
See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
I think you better re read your own post Dave It looks like to me that you all by yourself came up with that reply and yes then the others start getting involved
but Dave I must say I like fishing also and you bite pretty hard too Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest
Come on bill give us the link ?
I like a bit of bling .................along with a bit of sting also, and it's always great to have something thats not "off the shelf". I have only ever found one problem with Bling personally Ya can't park it anywhere without having people f*** with it
Some are into show others into go ................. but must say It's always good to see a rider take pride in his ride and bling is certianly a way of putting ones personal touch to it.
"Some are into show others into go"
Why not both. I ride mine to the best of my ability (striving for mediocrity) both on the strip and on the road bling or not. I tend to agree with the principal although it does not apply to all. Bruce
See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Here ya go Pete I dont know if it will work for you if you aren't registered but try anyway
Hey I totally agree with you Bruce but who is to say that us guys with bling cant ride and belong in coffee shops Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The RestEdited by: Xhiler8r at: 21/11/05 7:39 pm
As a poor apprentice I had a shitty old Z250 kwaka and loved it to death it was stock but polished within an inch of its life. I ride it to death but spent the time and money to keep it looking as good as I could within my budget.
Nothing has changed really. Bruce
See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
I like bling,I like sting I have taken my bling to the track and it ended up like the man said scratched and broken.Shaun Gilles likes the bling, I like to this chappy(other forum) tell him he cant ride Cheers,