I dunno Bear the title isn't all that bad!
To me it's a feeble attempt to be goddam american. We say arse don't we?
I agree Bear,
Whip Arse Wednesday sounds like more fun.
Someone has to do it! Sorry in advance.
Whip arse Wednesday? where everyone wears leather, and turns up in drag?
You sand gropers are a funny lot Bruce
Sure are! But what do you guys do on Wednesdays? Have to do something.
Aye aye,
Just so long as you post your #'s so's the other States can compare notes
We can find out who's the quickest everyday ride Busa in the country that hasn't been Stretched/slammed/power addered
Braggin rights up for grabs
any takers
Captain The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!
Sounds fair, I'm a beginner and I don't mind admitting I'll be very happy when I can get it under 11sec!
I'll have a go this Wed (weather permitting) and then I might go back to standard springs, and try lowering the back tyre pressure a bit. But I won't bother with lowering the bike.....yet! I've got crappy numbers to start with, but let's see who is fastest at Xmas time eh?
Aye aye,
at WSID on Weds we give prizes for the best 60' and only ride up on the night guys are elidgable i.e. not ANDRA licenced and/or teched bikes running under 10.5secs.
the track itself organises the reaction time prizes.
With practice and No Mods at all - you can end up under 10.5 so my advice is to get out there and have fun and compare notes with your similarly equipped mates. As soon as you do a few mods you are expected to go quicker - so the best ones are the clutch and airbox mods- as your mates wont know unless you tell em
The 60' prize usually goes off in the high 1.70's to 1.80's range with most people starting off in the 2.20's to 2.30's at their 1st attempt - quickly going to 1.90's when they get comfortable.
Hope this helps and hope a few more of you get hooked The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!
You have forgotten to mention Mistaboosta..... when ya get hooked the prize is blood , sweat and heartache,,,,,,,, oh and forget having any pocket money!!!!
Good luck guys........ sounds like fun and from what I've seen is......might just bring my stocker up for a go.
Clutch and air box mods hehehehe.........
Your blue and white stocker
How embarrassing! Last Saturday I got stopped for going TOO SLOW on the freeway, last night I started average and got slower! Freezing cold, and no other members there I recall, although three other Hayabusas. The others di well, but I can't post these results as any sort of threat to the east/west challenge!
Not really my night. Dragged out my brand new two piece leathers (jacket worn once), strapped myself in and it was so stiff, I couldn't little pee wee a leg over the bike! kept kicking the hump. Mind you, I'm the one the wrote into the council complaining the footpaths were built too close to my arse.
After my third run (slower) I went home freezing, only to find I'd locked myself out...............
Hey bear, you should borrow Ohzone's spare bike parked in his formal dining room.
It was made for you ! Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped
3 days of sitting around and at least I can little pee wee a leg over the hump now. Spent a few hours out on it today and I can nearly bend my legs. I need to ride between two others to make sure I can stop OK, with new leathers and boots, I only have a few mm to spare and my feet wouldn't touch the ground!